一、 國人青年學子普遍缺乏對自我身體的保護警覺,為避免學生發生中途致殘或傷害己身危險等情事,並對意外造成脊髓損傷者有正確的認識。
二、 藉辦理《青年暑期職場公益實習》計畫,使學生提早參與 公益以同理、接納與協助脊髓損傷的傷友,透過行銷企 劃、活動執行等,進而培養青年學子自助助人的生命品 格。
三、如需參與《青年暑期職場公益實習》計畫 活動。請逕洽承辦人:李清惠∣手機:0975-772-62
中租迪和東協實習說明會(5/12 12:00 行大7-2) (現場提供履歷健診)
1.兼職(學期間每週不超過20小時) 或
Great ASEAN Internship and Employment Project This internship is one of the important plan of GAIEP, specifically designed for ASEAN juniors who are currently studying in Taiwan. Our goal is to search for talented candidates with potential, and provide them with deep involvement into financial leasing industries, by attending our internship. For those who have outstanding performance during the internship period, we will further recommend them job opportunities after graduation.
# About Us:
Chailease Holding Chailease is the biggest financial leasing brand in Taiwan, by providing “rental instead of purchase” solution, we helped numerous of SMEs to catch up with their business chances. Other than business loan/leasing, we are also involved in personal payments, solar energy investments, car rental and insurance services. Chailease now have 5 subsidiaries in ASEAN countries. By transferring successful business model from Taiwan, we do not only interact with foreign companies, but also focus on introducing ourselves into the local market.
# We are searching for someone just like you!
◆ASEAN students currently studying Bachelor/Master/pHd in University in Taiwan
◆Verbal and oral communication in all Mandarin, English and mother tongue
◆Eager to discover financial leasing or international business
◆Passion first; can deliver surprises within daily routine tasks
# Type of Internship Wanted
◆Finance Specialty: Dealing with overseas accounting affairs and analysis
◆IT Specialty: Dealing with interior IT systems and new enhancements
◆HR Specialty: Dealing with overseas HR schemes and training of our expats
# Join Us, and You’ll Gain
◆Reasonable salary and caring work atmosphere
◆Chance to work with professionals
◆Precious career experience and your own project outcome
** To abide by law, we accept:
1) Part-time [working no more than 20 hours/ week in semesters] and
2) Full-time [in summer vacations]. Please inform us of your special requirements and suitable work time in your application, and also we’d like to know you ARC/ work permit status.
- 旨揭見習以人才培育為核心,本(110)年度由50家U-start創新創業計畫輔導之新創公司,提供50名見習名額,供有意創業青年及早了解新創事務,培育創業家精神與專業技能。
- 本年度見習期間自即日起至本年9月30日止,見習時數以300小時為限,見習期間由本署提供見習青年每小時新臺幣160元之見習津貼,U-start新創公司並將安排輔導員從旁協助與指引,相關職缺訊息刊登於本署RICH職場體驗網(網址:https://rich.yda.gov.tw),職務內容豐富多元,請貴校協助宣傳,鼓勵對創新創業有興趣的青年學生踴躍投遞履歷。
2021 電通行銷傳播集團暑期實習計畫報名資訊
歡迎有興趣報名的大專院校(大三以上)、研究所學生及應屆畢業生,參閱「2021 電通行銷傳播集團暑期實習計畫」官網,
>>實習計畫官網: https://reurl.cc/l0WAjA
報名日期:2021/4/26(一)至 2021/5/21(五)
實習期間:2021/7/5(一)至 2021/8/27(五)
日期(時間): 4/24(四)10:00~14:00
地點: 三重體育館