學術性社團-Academic Club
編號 |
學生團體中/英文名稱 |
社團簡介 |
B001 |
Long Porch Poetry Society |
政大唯一的純文學社團,設有詩人講座、主題讀詩會,以及作品詩集的互相交流與分享活動。 As NCCU's only pure literature club, we hold poet lectures, themed poetry readings, and activities for exchanging and sharing poetry collections. |
B002 |
Debating Society |
演辯社成立逾20年,為辯論傳統強校。積極參與各大比賽培養人才並取得佳績,亦舉辦統一發票盃、風雩盃等比賽,推廣辯論知識,提供優質辯論環境。 Debating Society was established over 20 years ago. We participate in various competitions to cultivate talents and achieve outstanding results. We organize many events to promote debate knowledge and provide a high-quality debate environment. |
B005 |
Film Club |
每週四晚上放你租不到、看不到的好片怪片!! Every Thursday night, we will play fantastic and odd films that you can't rent or find elsewhere! |
B012 |
AIESEC是由青年營運的國際非營利組織。我們主要以營運永續議題、跨文化交流、及職涯發展等主題專案來培育青年領導力。 AIESEC is an international non-profit organization run by young people. We mainly focus on nurturing youth leadership through sustainable issues, cross-cultural communications, and career development. |
B013 |
Securities Research Society |
政大證研社旨在提供一個平台使對於證券研究有熱忱的社員們可以在此交流彼此的想法。我們也擁有豐富的資源使社員們得以及早與實務接軌,並且在金融界建立良好的人脈。 NCCU SRS offers a platform for security research enthusiasts to exchange their ideas. We also have the resources to build a good relationship with seniors in the finance industry. |
B016 |
NCCU Astro Club |
許多喜歡星星的人加入天文社、藉著社課和講座可以讓大家一起學習、對天文有更多更完整的認識。 Through club courses and lectures, everyone can learn and gain a more comprehensive understanding of astronomy. |
B024 |
Faith, Hope, and Love Club |
團契的成員大多為政大基督徒學生,會一起聚集討論信仰、唱詩、讀經與禱告。 Our club members are mostly Christian students. Everyone gathers to discuss faith, sing hymns, study the Bible, and pray together. We share joy and laughter and support each other through life's challenges. |
B025 |
Leadership Education Club |
政大領袖社,提供領袖外在技能培訓以及思辯能力。加入領袖社可以訓練口才、獨立思考、企畫能力、時間管理、情緒管理! LEC Club offers training in leadership skills and critical thinking. Joining us can enhance your eloquence, independent thinking, planning capabilities, time management, and also emotional management. |
B026 |
Communication Skills Club |
從聊天到報告,從台下到台上,從硬實力到軟實力,現實或社群,說話藝術社,打造你成為全方位溝通人才! From casual conversations to formal presentations, from the audience to talking on the stage, we can shape you into an outstanding communication expert! |
B027 | 易學社
Chinese Life-Tell Club |
在這裡,喜歡命理學的朋友們會相互交流心得和經驗,也可以直接與資深的命理老師進行面對面的交談與提問唷! Students passionate about fortune-telling come together to share their insights and experiences. You'll also be able to talk face-to-face with the very professional fortune-teller! |
B030 |
Falun Dafa Club |
以「真、善、忍」的標準待人處事,並學習緩慢柔美的五套功法,強身健體。 Treating others with Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, and practicing five sets of graceful exercises to strengthen the body and improve health. |
B031 |
Bible Study Club |
所有愛主的基督徒聚在一起,一同享受詩歌,美食,讀聖經,並將福音的種子傳遞給他人。 All the Christian students gather together to enjoy hymns and the Bible, indulge in delicious food, and share the gospel with others. |
B034 | 西洋占星研究社
Astrology Club |
從零開始帶大家學習神秘學,領悟神秘學的有趣及奧妙。 Starting from scratch, we'll dive into the esotericism, unraveling its captivating and profound mysteries together. |
B035 |
Fantasy Club |
如果你對閱讀或創作奇幻文學感興趣,和喜歡TRPG系統的,歡迎來奇幻社! If you're interested in reading or writing fantasy literature and like TRPG systems, Welcome to join the Fantasy Club! |
B038 |
Youth Association of International Conference (YAIC) |
我們的目標是培養年輕精英參與國際會議,並在全球化趨勢下拓展國際視野。 The goal of YAIC is to train young elites to participate in international conferences and to broaden their perspectives under the trend of globalization. |
B039 |
Chong-De Club |
我們定期舉辦開伙美食DIY,培養蔬食大廚。致力於蔬食環保、身心靈健康、自我提升。 We will regularly organize DIY cooking activities to cultivate vegetarian chefs. We are dedicated to vegetarianism, environmental protection, physical and mental health, as well as self-improvement. |
B040 |
Educational Studies Club |
我們有愛、有熱情,我們喜愛走訪各地服務,並期待能激發學生對於學習的熱忱。 Our club is driven by love and passion. We love visiting different places to serve and look forward to inspiring students' enthusiasm for learning. |
B042 |
Maker Platform in University Club |
我們以Tikkun Olam 修復世界的理念,試著把所學知識轉化為實際行動,用以解決生活中發現的各種問題。 We uphold the concept of Tikkun Olam, "Repairing the world," and try to transform our knowledge into practical actions to address various issues from our daily lives. |
B044 |
Toastmasters Club |
提供友善英語學習環境,讓社員們透過參與社課,提升英文口說能力以及溝通能力! We provide a friendly English learning environment, allowing club members to improve their English speaking and communication skills through participation in our club courses. |
B050 |
Chan Club |
政大的禪學社,透過禪定相應內在本有的靈性,超脫地球時空的束縛,開發我們大腦的高層次潛能。 Through meditation, we develop the higher potential of our brains. |
B051 |
TMBA為一個跨校、跨系所的 MBA 研究生社團,以商管領域為出發、致力於金融。 TMBA is a cross-university, cross-departmental MBA student association that started from business management and is dedicated to financ |
B052 |
生命品格研究社 Life and Morality Research Club |
我們是一群夢想生活的實踐者,藉由分享、付出愛、社會服務更知道「愛與被愛」的意義!歡迎青春熱血的你一起加入這愛的大家庭。 We are a group of dream practitioners. By sharing love and engaging in social service, we have a better understanding of the meaning of "love and being loved." |
B055 |
Bliss & Wisdom Youth Club |
「福青社」為一群志同道合的人,共同探討理想生活的地方,討論人際關係與自我認識、觀功念恩、淨塑環保與蔬食,帶給大學生不一樣的生命價值! We're a group of students exploring life's ideals together. Our focus is on building relationships, enhancing self-awareness, fostering gratitude, promoting sustainability, and practicing vegetarianism. We aim to offer NCCU students different perspectives on life values. |
B056 |
NCCU Gender Studies Club |
對內營造政大校園內性別友善氛圍,對外關心性別議題並發聲。我們服務政大及LGBTQIA 社群。 We aim to create a gender-friendly atmosphere within the NCCU campus. Outside the campus, we focus on gender issues and make our voices heard. We serve both the NCCU students and the LGBTQIA community. |
B061 |
Mixology Club |
政大調酒社旨在希望大家快樂喝酒、健康成長的同時,也可以學習與調酒有關的知識,如果時間和材料允許的話,你將有機會自己調製一兩杯飲料! |
B063 |
Specialty Coffee Club |
歡迎政大學生跟咖啡愛好者加入,一起研究咖啡及推廣咖啡文化! Welcome NCCU students and coffee enthusiasts to join us in exploring and promoting coffee culture together! |
B067 |
Dharma Drum Youth NCCU |
社團成立宗旨為提倡心靈環保,運用禪修的方法,提高青年朋友的生活品質和幸福感。 We aim to promote mental wellness. We hope to enhance young people's quality of life and happiness through meditation. |
B069 |
Nccu Mystery club |
為喜愛推理作品的人提供交流分享的平台。活動包括專題社課、外校合辦寒暑訓、及業界合作等豐富內容! We offer a platform for those passionate about mystery works to exchange ideas, and share insights. Our activities include special topic courses, training in collaboration with another university during winter and summer. Additionally, We also collaborate with industry professionals. |
B075 |
Wild Fire Club |
政大野火陣線的理念與宗旨是:「以臺灣主體意識為出發點,並堅持參與和關懷各類社會議題。」 The concept of the NCCU Wildfire Club is: "To start with Taiwanese identity consciousness and to steadfastly engage in and care about various social issues. |
B077 |
Consulting Club |
旨在培養學生解決問題與邏輯思考的能力。我們期許成為學校與真實世界接軌的橋樑,協助社員成為社會渴求的人才。 We aim to develop students' problem-solving and logical thinking skills. We aspire to serve as a bridge connecting the school with the real world, helping club members become talents. |
B083 |
NCCU Entreprenuer Association |
政大學生與新創企業間的重要橋樑,提供籌辦活動、招募人才、企業曝光等服務。 NCCU Entrepreneur Association is an essential bridge between NCCU students and startup companies, offering services such as organizing events, recruiting talents, and corporate exposure. |
B091 |
Tibetan Buddhism Club |
本社團綜合藝術、佛法、心靈、多元面向,將藏傳佛教金剛乘的內涵融入生活的智慧,推廣蔬食環保、心靈淨化。 Our club integrates arts, Buddhist teachings, spirituality, and diversity. We incorporate the essence of Tibetan Buddhism's Vajrayana into the wisdom of daily life and promote vegetarianism, environmental care, and spiritual growth. |
B092 |
NCCU Mutual Fund Club |
本社宗旨為「培養具即戰力之金融業優秀人才」。透過各種多元活動落實「主動式投資、共基人脈網、理論實務並進」等三大價值。 Our club aims to "cultivate outstanding talents in the finance industry with immediate combat capabilities." Through various activities, we implement the three core values of "proactive investing, building networking, and advancing theory and practice together." |
B093 |
NCCU e-Sport Club |
政大電競社基於對電競的熱愛與研究精神,希望藉由社團的成立,集結同好的力量,為電競做更大幅度的推廣。 Based on a passion for e-sports, we aim to collect everyone’s strengths and to promote e-sports more significantly. |
B094 |
佛教哲學研究社 Buddhism Philosophy Research Club |
本社以佛學經典探討為基石,以理性的哲學思維為準則,透過深入經藏思維辯證佛法,結合各式生活化的主題,探討宇宙與生命真相。 Our club is based on discussing Buddhist scriptures, guided by rational philosophical thought. We thoroughly investigate the depths of the scriptures to critically analyze Buddhist teachings, integrating various themes relevant to daily life. |
B096 |
Northeast Asia Student Round Table |
由學生組織而成的會議,集結了日本、南韓、中國、台灣、蒙古、俄羅斯等六國的學生,期望透過相互討論、交流,進而中立、不偏頗地理解彼此。 SRT is organized by students from Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Mongolia, and Russia. Through communication and ideas exchange, we aim to achieve unbiased mutual understanding. |
B100 |
English Debate Society |
加入英文辯論社,可訓練英文口說以及邏輯思考的能力,社員們也都非常熱情活潑哦!歡迎來跟我們一起學習一起做朋友! Joining English Debate Society will train your English speaking and logical thinking skills. Our club members are all very energetic and enthusiastic, we warmly welcome everyone to join us and make friends with us! |
B102 |
NCCU Campus Crusade for Christ |
我們是一群基督徒所組成的群體,在這裡你可以更加了解基督信仰不論你是不是基督徒都歡迎你來認識我們! We are a group of Christians. Join us, and you will have a deeper understanding of Jesus. Whether you are a Christian or not, we welcome you to get to know us! |
B103 |
Mathematics and Information Technology club (MIT) |
是一個讓大家一起開心學習寫程式的社團,以Python為主,亦有AI相關的教學。 We provide a joyful learning environment for students to learn programming. Our club courses mainly focus on Python but also include AI-related courses. |
B105 |
Faction Strategy Game Club |
透過阿瓦隆研究社增加政大學生的心機、策略、計謀與邏輯思辯能力。 Through Avalon, we aim to enhance NCCU students’ strategy and logical thinking abilities. |
B106 |
Midway Wisdom Buddhism Club |
在繁忙的生活步調中提供一個休憩的時空。好好靜心並認識自己! We offer a respite place from the hustle and bustle of life. Take a moment to find peace and truly get to know yourself. |
B107 |
Ted Sharing Club |
TED x NCCU 是一個以大學為基礎的地方活動,旨在推廣值得傳播和實施的想法與項目。TED/TEDx 的力量超乎我們的想像! We're dedicated to spreading and implementing ideas and projects that are worth sharing. The power of TED/TEDx is beyond our imagination! |
B109 |
Tax Research Association |
致力於推動政大學生重視租稅的重要議題,砥礪租稅學術研究、促進產官學交流及落實服務學習精神。 We are dedicated to promoting the importance of tax issues, tax academic research, and fostering collaboration among industry, government, and schools. |
B110 |
Blockchain at NCCU |
We are focusing on broadening the knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Join us, and you'll understand the crypto industry's ecosystem and future developments. |
B113 |
Asian Law Student Association |
社團主要目的在提供法律學生一個學習、交流和發展專業技能的平台,同時也促進對亞洲法律環境的理解和認識。 We aim to provide a platform for law students to learn, interact, and develop professional skills while also fostering an understanding of the legal environment in Asia. |
B114 |
Sustainable Green Earth Club |
關心環境議題,並致力以行動在政大校園內推行環境意識,盼讓校園生活更加永續。 政大純素友善餐廳地圖 NCCU Vegan-Friendly Restaurants Map We are concerned about environmental issues and committed to promoting environmental awareness on our campus, aiming to foster a more sustainable environment. |
B115 |
Whisky Study Society |
來自政大的一群威士忌愛好者組成了生命之水—政大的威士忌研究社群,談論有關威士忌的一切。 A group of whisky enthusiasts students founded the Whisky Study Society. We discussed everything about whisky here! |
B116 |
NCCU Basketball Refree and Rule Club |
本社宗旨為訓練專業的籃球競賽裁判及紀錄台等技術人員,並協助辦理比賽,讓所有比賽都能在更好的環境下進行! Our club's mission is to train professional basketball referees and technical staff to assist in organizing basketball games and ensuring that all games are conducted in a better environment. |
B117 |
NCCU Transportation Club |
喜歡交通卻找不到分享對象嗎?政大交通運輸研究社讓你找到交通同好,誠心歡迎熱愛交通的你! Are you passionate about transportation but cannot find anyone to share it with? We offer a platform to find partners who love transportation. Welcome to join us! |
B118 |
Financial Investment & Industry Research Club |
秉持著「創造零基礎投資學習環境」的初衷,結合「推廣校內外投資風氣」的理念,讓校內外有共同興趣的朋友可以一同切搓、交流、成長。 We aim to create an investment culture and connect like-minded individuals to share resources, ideas, and grow together. |
B119 |
NCCU Data Analytics |
政大數據分析社的核心價值是創造數據分析共學的平台,也藉企業專案的機會,讓同學實際運用所學解決社會上的真實問題。 Our club's core value is creating a collaborative learning platform for data analysis, also through corporate project opportunities to allow students to apply what they have learned to solve real-world societal problems. |
B120 |
NCCU Poker Club |
歡迎對德州撲克有興趣的朋友們一起加入,從未接觸過德州撲克牌的同學,社團會教導大家,有經驗的同學也歡迎來交流學習新技巧。 We welcome everyone who is interested in Texas Hold 'em to join us. For those who have never played Texas Hold 'em before, don't worry! We will teach you. Experienced players are also welcome to join us to share your ideas and learn new skills with us. |
B121 |
Dine with Professions |
報名參加知食+的聚會,以一杯咖啡費用擴展對世界的想像。 Signing up for Dine with Professions offers an opportunity to expand your horizons and imagination—Only the cost of a cup of coffee. |
B122 |
Open Design Club |
透過開放互助的共創精神,培養基礎設計力與多元實作經驗。 Open design club fosters a collaborative and supportive environment to cultivate members' basic design skills and diverse practical experiences. |
B123 |
Digital Marketing Lab |
本社的理念為「銜接數位行銷領域的產學落差、提供一個能系統性學習數位行銷並與業界實務接軌的強連結場域」,期望能培養具備創新實驗精神的數位行銷即戰力人才。 Our club aims to connect academia with digital marketing, hoping to cultivate digital marketing talent with a spirit of innovation and the ability to contribute immediately. |
B125 |
Business Analytics Club |
政大商業分析社旨在透過社團專業課程及相關活動,讓成員們能利用數據分析技能及顧問思維來洞察並解決商業問題。 Through professional courses and related activities, we enable club members to utilize data analytics skills and consulting mindsets to identify and solve business problems. |
B127 |
Google Developer Student Club |
我們提供完整專業課程,職涯講座探索等讓學員了解商業分析的樣貌,以發展未來更多多元的可能。 We provide comprehensive professional courses and career exploration lectures to help students understand the aspects of business analysis, aiming to develop more diverse possibilities for the future. |
B128 |
Researching Association of Teaching Cantonese |
研究以粵語作為第二語言的教學方法,培訓粵語教學人員,開發教材並提供教學服務,推廣廣東話。 We focus on teaching methods for Cantonese as a second language, training Cantonese teaching staff, developing teaching materials, and providing teaching services to promote Cantonese. |
B129 | SLAM!國際交流社
SLAM! International Exchange Club |
「Study Less, Achieve More」我們鼓勵各個背景的學生積極參與,建立語言及文化交換的校園網絡,輕鬆地享受學習語言的樂趣。 "Study Less, Achieve More" —We encourage students from all backgrounds to participate actively. We hope to establish a campus network for language and cultural exchange and enjoy the fun of learning languages in a relaxed environment. |
B130 |
Innovation Media Club |
在媒體形式日新月異的現今,透過研究與分析,掌握並且創造潮流與趨勢。 We research and analyze today's media to master and create trends and fashions. |
B132 |
C×G Labs @ NCCU |
你曾否在生活周遭觀察、感受到許多問題,希望在大學的開放學習場域,實現解決問題的動機與想法嗎?我們聚焦社會設計與社會創新,重視自主學習與行動實踐的探索! Have you ever observed and felt so many questions around you and hoped to find solutions in the school's open learning spaces? We focus on social design and social innovation; we value self-directed learning and exploring practical actions! |
B133 |
NCCU Econ Planning |
身為政大經濟系的一分子,我們是籌辦系上各種職涯活動的學生團隊,並連結各屆的系友。 As part of the Department of Economics, we are a student team dedicated to organizing various career-related events and connecting with alumni. |
B134 |
躲貓貓研究社 Peek-a-boo Research Club |
本社將創新傳統的躲貓貓遊戲,納入有趣邏輯、團隊合作等更多要素。藉由躲貓貓活動培養觀察周遭事物與團隊合作之能力。 Our club innovates the traditional game of hide-and-seek by incorporating interesting logic and teamwork. Through hide-and-seek activities, we aim to enhance our members' observation skills and cultivate teamwork ability. |
B135 |
Dessert Lab |
這裡是一個聚集甜點喜好者的地方,由社團成員分別負責製作、經營社群與管理。 Dessert Lab is a place for dessert enthusiasts. Our club members responsible for making desserts and managing social media. |
B136 |
NCCU Business Solutions Group |
社團以國際商業競賽為目標,聚焦於商業個案解決,培養社員參加競賽之技能及解決問題能力。 Our club has set the Global Business Case Competition as a goal, focusing on business case solutions, cultivating members' skills to participate in competitions, and developing problem-solving skills. |
B137 |
政大人工智慧應用研究社 NCCU Artificial Intelligence Application Research Club |
我們創造一個人工智慧的交流平台,讓有興趣的社員能實際操作和鍛煉技能、獲得知識以及提高自我的生產力。 We have created an artificial intelligence exchange platform that allows interested members to gain practical experience, hone their skills, acquire knowledge, and enhance productivity. |
B138 |
主播記者實務研習社 Anchor & Journalist Club |
Our club aims to learn together and enhance news reporting, news broadcasting, and ceremonial etiquette skills. |