- 招募對象與人數:招募 18 至 45 歲對林業推廣活動有興趣,並願意成為第一線推廣人員的青年,對象不限在校學生,也歡迎未來想兼職或轉換職業跑道的青年參與,採審核制,共招募 15 名符合資格且願意全程參與之學員。
申請時間:即日起至 10 月 26 日為止,11 月 2 日公告入選名單。 凡入選之研修生,請先繳交保證金 1000 元至指定帳戶確保入選資格。
申請辦法:採個人申請,請自行下載表格 https://reurl.cc/GbZ77y 敘述申請動機以及上傳至線上表單 https://reurl.cc/Xle2Mj 報名。並請留意自身是否能全程參與工作坊與配合實踐課程,以免耽誤他人的參與意願。
澳帝華期貨線上徵才說明會Optiver Virtual Info Session 10/22 & 10/27
Optiver: Discover your future in market making
Job vacancy: Graduate Quantitative Trader
Apply Now!
Submit your application including a resume and a copy of your academic transcript asap (the opening will be closed on Nov 12th, 2021)
Virtual Info Session 10/22 & 10/27:
Discover your future in Market Making
PART ONE: Fri 22 October, 12pm-1pm
Join us to discover everything you’d love to know about working at Optiver Taipei. Learn more about our business and where you could fit in our world-class Trading team.
In this interactive session, you’ll get the chance to meet a current member of the Trading team, who’ll talk about their journey within Optiver. You’ll also learn more about the incredible culture, benefits and opportunities that come with being part of our team.
Deep dive into Market Making
PART TWO: Wed 27 October, 12pm-1.30pm
Join us as we take a deep dive into the new and interesting challenges you will solve everyday at Optiver. The Optiver trading floor is one of the most dynamic and exciting trading floors in Asia. Traders are always looking for patterns, applying their brand of mathematics and problem solving in order to understand the dynamics of financial markets.
Register Now!
Register below and enter the access code Optiver! on the registration page.
For any questions, please contact taiwancareers@optiver.com.au. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
- 徵僱港口查報員 3 名、沿近海觀察員 3 名及漁船監控技術員 1 名,共 7 名人員,請惠予協助張貼甄選公告周知,請查照。
- 說明:有意者請逕至本會網址 https://www.toff.org.tw/「訊息公告」點閱瀏覽。
Uber Eats 實習生招募
Uber Eats 實習生招募
l Merchants Operation Intern 財稅實習生(台北)
- Problem-solving and issue resolution for tax and payments topics in the Taiwan Uber Eats org, with guidance and communication from international Tax team and local Ops team leadership.
- Support analysis and data querying related to merchant growth, performance, and profitability.
- Coming up with high impact, scalable solutions to improve merchant experience.
*需英文中等,公司後台系統介面為英文, international Tax team隸屬於新加坡
*若就讀財稅/會計科系者尤佳 (Excel is s a must. SQL a big plus.)
*一周上班3天(含) 共24hr 以上
l ENT AM intern 連鎖餐廳實習生(台北)
隸屬於Enterprise Team : 處理所有連鎖餐飲品牌的客戶維繫及行銷方案推動。客戶有麥當勞, 鼎泰豐, 瓦城集團等大型餐飲企業。
- 協助Account Management Specialist 回覆品牌的基本系統操作問題。Ex. 平板操作, 商城開立等。
- 聯絡客戶處理文件或確認問題,譬如客戶的資料有錯需要修改。需要頻繁使用Excel , SQL分析工具。
- 透過Line,Email及電話等管道,同時間服務多個連鎖零售品牌客戶。
- 統整銷售報表及建立,更新客戶資料。經常運用Salesforce, G-Suite軟體及其他內部系統
上班期間 :合約簽半年。 配合一周上班3天以上。需要與客戶電話溝通
熟悉文書軟體。Like : Excel , Word , PowerPoint。尤其著重Excel , SQL的運用頻率
若熟悉Google- Suite 應用軟體者尤佳。
★ 公司福利 ★
- 由藝珂人事為員工投保勞保、健保、企業退休金提撥等員工福利
- 每位員工配給一台公務機 /公務電腦
- 辦公室不定期員工聚餐,開放式且高級的共享辦公環境。
- 相關專業課程培訓
- 公司零食飲料吃到飽
- 若表現優異,實習結束可獲得推薦信
★ 工作時間:平日周一至周五 10:00-19:00
★ 錄取可上班時間:隨時尤佳
★ 時薪:160
歡迎有興趣者填寫以下連結表單,或是直接寄履歷至debbie.cheng@adecco.com (聯絡人: Debbie )