1. 本課程係為視聽服務團教學組主講,為協助本組輔導之社團同學使用視聽器材,並帶領學員了解雲岫廳、四維堂之視聽設備,及申請視服團服務注意事項,名額有限,請有需要的同學報名即可。
2. 課外組外借視聽器材包括DV、投影機、對講機等等,僅提供給參加過視聽器材講習者登記借用。
3. 9/19與9/20課程內容相同,擇一參加即可。曾參加過視聽器材講習獲得認證者,不須再報名,認證資格直至失去學籍為止。
4. 本課程為幫助社團同學使用視聽設備所開設,並沒有提供任何認證及證明。
5.申請視服團前請先閱讀 https://reurl.cc/dDRyV8
6. 報名期間:即日起至9/9中午
- 113年9月12日(週四)晚上19:10-21:00
報名網址: https://reurl.cc/Yq8n0x
- 113年9月19日(週四)晚上19:10-21:00
課外活動組 承辦人:張嵐妮
1、 四維堂、雲岫廳
五、 暑假期間不開放時間:
5、碩班驗證: 7/10〜7/11
六、 開放線上登記時間:
1、 即日起。
2、登記路徑:政大首頁 / iNCCU / 我的校務資訊服務 / 場地申請登記。
八、 注意事項:
服務性社團-Service Club
服務性社團簡介-Service Club
編號 |
學生團體中/英文名稱 |
社團簡介 |
E001 |
指南服務團 NCCU Chinan Youth Club |
我們為偏遠地區或原住民部落,以愛心提供服務,以服務傳播愛心。 We provide services to rural areas and indigenous tribes and spread love to them through our service. |
E002 |
The Association of Loving Care |
我們是一個校內的服務性社團。你曾想過偏鄉地區的學生生活及學習是如何的嗎? 亦或是想體驗教學的樂趣嗎?歡迎來政大愛愛會,從「感同身受」開始! We are a service-oriented club on campus. Have you ever wondered how students in rural areas live and learn? Or do you want to experience the joy of teaching? welcome to join us! |
E004 |
Aboriginal Service Society |
如果你想了解原民文化、體驗部落生活、撰寫教案並實際執行、擁有與眾不同的志工服務經驗,歡迎你 成為我們的一員!\ If you are interested in understanding indigenous cultures, experiencing tribal life, developing and implementing education plans, and having a unique volunteer experience. Come and join us! |
E009 |
Tzuchi Youth Group |
本社秉持佛陀慈悲喜捨的精神,鼓勵同學利用課餘的時間服務社會。 Our club upholds the spirit of Buddha's loving, kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. We encourage students to serve the community in their spare time. |
E013 |
The Association of True Love |
充滿上帝之愛的基督徒社團。我們關心年輕人的需要,期望將真正的愛,傳給每個需要的人! We are a Christian club dedicated to addressing the needs of young people. We hope to share love with everyone who is in need. |
E016 |
New Hope Family |
我們是一群在政大校園,熱愛服務人、真誠關心人的大學生! We are a group of students passionate about serving and caring for others on campus! |
E019 |
International Volunteer Association |
我們重視孩子們的教育和陪伴,服務深入各地的偏鄉學校。歡迎加入我們,用服務為臺灣和世界上的其他孩子帶來不同的想像! We value children's education and companionship and serve schools in rural areas across the region. Join us in bringing a new vision to these children! |
E022 |
Life-Respect Student Club |
想更了解政大校園裡的貓貓狗狗嗎? 或是想要了解如何與校園內的動物和平共處嗎?快來加入我們吧! Are you interested in learning more about the cats and dogs on campus or how to coexist peacefully with them? Come and join us! |
E023 |
Legal Aid Society |
本社團提供免費法律諮詢服務,由專業義務律師在場為民眾解惑! Our club provides free legal consultation services with professional volunteer lawyers to help resolve everyone’s legal questions. |
E024 |
IC Tribe |
If you love children, want to experience tribal culture, and hope to create camp-related memories with the tribe, then the IC Tribe is your best choice! |
E027 |
NCCU Soobi@School |
Soobi 是全台第一個校園數位志工履歷紀錄與認證單位。致力推廣數位志工,讓更多大學生可以運用科技來改變社會! We are dedicated to promoting digital volunteer service, enabling more university students to use technology to change society! |
E028 |
NCCU LightenStreet |
我們致力於推廣無家者議題的學生社團。希望能透過分享議題知識與舉辦送餐活動,讓更多人認識無家者、建立起多元認知,達到去汙名化的效果。 Our club is dedicated to raising awareness of homelessness by sharing knowledge on the issue and organizing meal distribution events so that more people can understand the situation of the homeless. |
學生自治團體- Autonomous Club
學生自治團體- Autonomous Club
編號 |
學生團體 |
英文名稱 |
A001 | 研究生學會 | NCCU Graduate Student Association |
A002 | 學生會 | NCCU Student Association |
A003 | 中文系學會 | Chinese Literature Student Association |
A004 | 歷史系學會 | History Student Association |
A005 | 哲學系學會 | Philosophy Student Association |
A006 | 政治系學會 | Political Science Student Association |
A007 | 社會系學會 | Sociology Student Association |
A008 | 財政系學會 | Public Finance Student Association |
A009 | 公行系學會 | Public Administration Student Association |
A010 | 地政系學會 | Land Economics Student Association |
A011 | 經濟系學會 | Economics Student Association |
A012 | 民族系學會 | Ethnology Student Association |
A013 | 國貿系學會 | International Trade Student Association |
A014 | 金融系學會 | Money & Banking Student Association |
A015 | 會計系學會 | Accounting Student Association |
A016 | 統計系學會 | Statistics Student Association |
A017 | 企管系學會 | Business Administration Student Association |
A018 | 資管系學會 | Information Management Student Association |
A019 | 財管系學會 | Finance Student Association |
A020 | 風管系學會 | Risk Management & Insurance Student Association |
A021 | 新聞系學會 | Journalism Student Association |
A022 | 廣告系學會 | Advertising Student Association |
A023 | 廣電系學會 | Radio and Television Student Association |
A024 | 英文系學會 | English Student Association |
A025 | 阿文系學會 | Arabic Student Association |
A026 | 斯拉夫文系學會 | Slavics Student Association |
A027 | 日文系學會 | Japanese Student Association |
A028 | 韓文系學會 | Korean Student Association |
A029 | 土文系學會 | Turkish Student Association |
A030 | 法律系學會 | Law Student Association |
A031 | 應數系學會 | Applied Mathematics Student Association |
A032 | 心理系學會 | Psychology Student Association |
A033 | 資科系學會 | Computer Science Student Association |
A034 | 外交系學會 | Diplomacy Student Association |
A035 | 教育系學會 | Education Student Association |
A036 | IMBA學會 | IMBA Student Council |
A037 | 歐文系學會 | European Languages and Cultures Student Association |
A038 | 傳播學程學會 | College of Communication Undergraduate Degree Program |
A039 | 亞太研究英語學程學會 | Asia Pacific Studies Association |
A040 | 經營管理碩士學程學會 | Executive Master of Business Administration Association |
A041 | 科管智財所學會 | Innovation and Intellectual Property Association |
A042 | 應用經濟與社會發展英語 碩士學位學程學會 |
International Master's in Applied Economics and Social Development Association |
A043 | 傳院大一大二不分系學會 | Undergraduate Program of Communication Student Association ( UPCSA ) |
A044 | 東南亞語言與文化 學士學位學程學會 |
Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures Student Association |
A045 | 教育行政與政策研究所 研究生學會 |
Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy Student Association |
A046 | 國立政治大學住宿生學生會 | NCCU Student Dormitory Association |
A047 | 師資培育中心教育學程學會 | Institute of Teacher Education Student Association |
A048 | 創新國際學院學生會 | Student Association of International College of Innovation |
體適能社團-Fitness Club
體適能社團簡介-Fitness Club
編號 |
學生團體中/英文名稱 |
社團簡介 |
F002 |
太極社 NCCU Taichi |
不管是對太極有迷思、憧憬,或是有偏見、誤解的人,都歡迎來太極社體驗看看。 Anyone with myths, admiration, prejudices, or misunderstandings about Tai Chi is welcome to come and experience it at the Tai Chi Club. |
F003 |
Judo Club |
柔道鍛鍊身心並重,從攻防鍛鍊身體心智,每週兩次訓練培養課餘運動習慣。 不管是否有柔道基礎!只要有興趣,都歡迎你加入! Judo emphasizes physical and mental growth. We train twice a week to cultivate exercise habits. Regardless of prior experience, anyone interested in judo is welcome to join! |
F004 |
Taekwondo Club |
政大跆拳道社的練習,是足技與品勢兩者並重,除了教導足技及對打的技巧之外,也相當注重品勢的訓練。 Our club emphasizes kicking techniques and Poomsae. In addition to teaching kicking and sparring skills, we also emphasize Poomsae training. |
F005 |
Aikido Club |
想學武術又怕自己力氣太小?想學體術又想學劍術?來合氣道社讓你兩個都能學! Do you want to learn martial arts but are worried you're not strong enough? Are you interested in learning both body techniques and swordsmanship? Join us, and you can learn both! |
F006 |
Kendo Club |
劍道是日本的一項傳統武術,在練習的過程中不僅能端正儀態,更能訓練專注力。劍道並不會受制於你的身材、性別、年齡等因素。所以,加入我們一起快樂練劍吧! Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art that improves posture during practice and trains concentration. It won’t be constrained by your figure, gender, age, or other factors. Therefore, join us and enjoy practicing swordsmanship together! |
F007 |
Ballroom Dance Club |
不用擔心沒學過舞蹈,這裡絕大多數的社員都是從零開始。加入我們,你也能在舞台上翩翩起舞喔! Don't worry if you've never learned how to dance. Most of our members started from scratch. Join us, and you can dance well on the stage! |
F008 |
Pop Dance Club |
政大熱舞社為校內曝光率最高且參與人數最多的社團之一。透過各大比賽及表演累積了許多知名度。加入熱舞社能為熱愛表演的你提供一個發光發熱的舞台。 |
F010 |
Cheerleading Club |
本社創社宗旨為致力於啦啦隊運動──包含舞蹈、特殊技巧、翻騰、跳躍與口號。不管有沒有經驗,都歡迎參加! Our club's founding purpose is to promote cheerleading, including dancing, special skills, tumbling, jumping, and slogans. Regardless of experience, everyone is welcome to join! |
F014 |
Tennis Club |
歡迎加入網球社,社課進行方式分為初級班跟中級班,初級班從基本動作開始教,不用擔心自己毫無基礎,另外,我們走一種輕鬆的風格,希望大家可以enjoy在網球中。 Welcome to join the Tennis Club! Our courses are divided into beginner and intermediate levels. The beginner level starts with the basics, so there's no need to worry if you have no experience. Hope everyone can enjoy playing tennis! |
F019 |
瑜珈社除了適合初學者,對於有經驗的學員,也是穩固平時練習的好機會,持續練習可以增加身體的柔軟度,歡迎來加入我們! Our club is suitable for both beginners and those with experience. Continuous practice can increase body flexibility. Come and join us! |
F024 |
Kyudo Club |
In addition to learning the Japanese martial art of archery, you can also gain a better understanding of Japanese culture, self-cultivation, and correct your posture! |
F030 |
Ballet Club |
校內校外,本國籍生都歡迎! 無論是否有學過芭蕾,都可以一起來跳舞唷! Whether you are an NCCU student or not, whether you have learned ballet before, everyone can come and dance with us! |
F031 |
Tap Dance Club |
美式踢踏以身體和腳步的協調為特色,政踢人以開放自由為舞蹈的精神。 Tap dance is characterized by the coordination of body and footwork, and we see openness and freedom as the spirit of this dance. |
F033 |
Breaking Club |
街舞地板社社團成立宗旨為透過地板街舞達到適當運動效果,並發揚地板街舞文化,與國內、國際間進行街舞文化交流。 Our club aims to achieve the benefits of exercise through breaking and to promote breaking culture both domestically and internationally. |
F036 |
NCCU Boxing Club |
歡迎各位有興趣的同學加入我們社團,不管你是基礎紮實的老手還是從未接觸過的新手,不管你只是想找個地方運動還是希望能專精於拳擊,都可以加入我們。 Whether you have a solid foundation or are a beginner, whether you are looking for a place to exercise or hope to specialize in boxing, you are welcome to join us. |
F037 |
高爾夫洞悉人性,訓練冷靜思考、耐心、沉著的心態,從中自我挑戰,自求突破。 Golf can train people to think calmly, patiently, and with composure. Through golf, we can challenge ourselves and push the boundaries of what we can achieve. |
F040 |
NCCU International Yoga Club |
我們的瑜珈適合不同類型的人,就算是新手也不用擔心。社課氣氛很開放,不用擔心遲到 ,十分歡迎也喜歡瑜珈的你加入! Our club suits different types of people; therefore, if you are a beginner, there is no need to worry. The atmosphere in our club is very open. If you also love yoga, join us! |
F041 |
Nccu Fire Dance |
火舞是結合肢體、節奏以及火舞道具展現出與火互動的表演,在本社團可以學到火舞道具的操弄、體能技巧、編舞技巧與特殊技巧。 Fire dancing is a performance that combines movement, rhythm, and fire dancing props. In our club, you can learn how to use fire dancing props, develop physical skills, master choreography, and acquire special techniques! |
F045 |
Cycling Club
不定期舉辦約騎,社團有提供單車租借,無論有無經驗都歡迎加入! We offer bicycle rentals and organize group rides Whether you have experience or not, everyone is welcome to join! |
F047 |
Diving Club |
除了學習潛水,我們也透過淨灘、減塑來推廣海洋保育。歡迎大家加入! In addition to learning to scuba diving, we also promote marine conservation through beach cleanups and reducing plastic use. |
F049 | NCCU K-POP Dance Club | 我們社團主要是學習和練習K-Pop舞蹈動作和編排,如果你對韓國舞蹈充滿熱情,想要身臨其境地體驗K-Pop的魅力,那就不要猶豫,加入我們!
Our club primarily focuses on learning and practicing K-pop dance moves and choreographies. If you are passionate about Korean dance and want to immerse yourself in K-pop, don't hesitate to join us! |
F050 |
NCCU Hiking & Climbing Team |
愛山的政大學生,一同深入自然,尋找自我的地方! We are a group of students who love mountains. Join us in exploring nature and discovering ourselves together! |
F051 |
我們希望提供一個給各系隊發揮的比賽平台,開發專屬聯盟球員投打數據庫、每場賽事戰報、拍攝球員英姿,讓有著棒球夢的系隊成員擁有完整過癮的聯賽體驗! We aim to provide a platform for teams from all departments to showcase their talents, develop a database for league players' batting and pitching stats, offer game reports, and capture players' best moments. |
F052 |
負責政大五人制足球聯賽、培元盃、新生盃的主辦單位 We are responsible for the NCCU 5-a-side football league, Pei Yuan Cup, and Freshmen Cup. |
F053 |
NCCU Muaythai Club |
泰拳和大家熟悉的拳擊不同的是,泰拳使用四肢進行攻擊,包含拳,腿,手肘和膝蓋,喜歡泰拳的快來加入我們吧! Unlike conventional boxing, Muay Thai uses all four limbs to attack, including fists, legs, elbows, and knees. If you're interested in Muay Thai, join us! |
F054 |
NCCU Lacrosse Club |
只要對袋棍球興趣或熱忱的人,不限性別、不限球齡,沒經驗的都歡迎來參加喔! Anyone interested in lacrosse, regardless of gender, playing experience, or skill level, is very welcome to join! |
F055 |
自由潛水社 Free diving club |
我們是一群因為喜歡海洋而接觸自潛,也因為自潛而更喜歡自己的夥伴,希望能夠讓更多人參與、認識和享受自由潛水!也讓大家不會再找不到潛伴、變成孤兒! We are a group of students drawn to diving because of our love for the ocean. Our passion for diving has brought us even closer to our partners. We hope to encourage more people to participate in, discover, and enjoy the freedom of diving! |
F056 |
保齡球研究社是一個充滿熱情、活力、致力於推廣保齡球運動、促進技術交流與人際互動的社團。無論你是初學者還是有豐富經驗的老手,我們都歡迎你的加入,一同享受保齡球的樂趣,並共同成長! The bowling club is full of passion and energy. We are dedicated to promoting bowling, facilitating technical exchanges, and enhancing interpersonal interactions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, we welcome you to join us to enjoy the fun of bowling and grow together! |
F057 |
NCCU Fitness Club |
希望透過社團達到健身愛好者的交流及學習。 Our club aims to provide a platform for fitness enthusiasts to connect and learn from each another. |