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自強宿舍外送餐點注意事項說明The off-campus foods delivery service in the Zih-ciang Dorm 10




1. 請於APP備註註明由後門進出,大門不開放外送員進出。

2. 請於APP備註註明外送員由後門進入時,務必押證給警衛才能進入。

3. 若沒有要當面領取物品,因服務中心放置區有區分宿舍,請於APP備註註明要放置在哪一區。

4. 隔離者請於外送備註欄留好隔離寢房號及姓名等資訊並註明送餐至自強十舍服務中心





The off-campus foods delivery service in the Zih-ciang Dorm 10 during the experimental period of the summer vacation will be continued after the new semester starts.
The opening hours are as follows:


For Monday to Friday: 6pm to 10pm. For Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 10pm


Please follow the rules as belows:

1. Please indicate in the meal order APP’s remark that the deliverer has to enter and exit through the back door of school, and the main gate is not open for entry and exit.

2. Please indicate in the meal order APP’s remarks that when entering from the back door of school, the deliverer must entrust the ID certificate with the guard for entry.

3. If you do not pick up the items in person, please indicate in the APP remarks where to put the meal in terms of dorm building titles(for instance Zechiang Dorm 9 or Dorm 5), since there are different dorms in the service center.

4. For students under quarantine, you must mention your quarantine room number and name clearly when you order off-campus food delivery and ask them to send to dorm 10 service center.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Student Housing Section