
如欲查閱各項詳細業務與法規表單,請按左上角功能按鈕 Smiley face。各項公告與最新消息,請參閱以下列表。




Dorm residents in this semester and didn’t attend the campus fire/disaster prevention workshop on Sep. 4 or Sep. 8, please be sure to complete the following so that you won’t get penalized points, thanks!

l   Sep. 4 ~校內消防演練中文場Campus Chinese Fire/Disaster Workshop

l   Sep. 8~校內消防演練英文場Campus English Fire/Disaster Workshop


1. 依「國立政治大學學生宿舍輔導管理辦法」第二十四條規定,住宿生應參加消防演練,無故未參加者,處以違規記點八至十點。 

Students that do not attend the workshop will be penalized 8-10 points according to the Policies for Management and Counseling of Residence Halls.

If you accumulate more than ten penalty points you will be asked to move out of the dorms.


2. 消防演練當天(106年9月4、8日)因特殊狀況無法參加者,應於106年11月7日以前自行前往台北市防災科學教育館參加補訓(補訓單如附檔),並將補訓單送達住宿組完成登錄。


If you didn’t attend the campus fire/disaster prevention workshop on Sep. 5 or Sep. 9, you MUST bring the attached bilingual version of attendance certification slip to complete the training course in the Fire Safety Museum of the Taipei Fire Dept. Please also submit this form to the Dorm Office before Nov. 7, 2017.

Overdue will make you be penalized 8-10 points and you still need to complete the above mentioned training courses and submit the form to the Dorm Office before Jan. 12, 2018.

Failing to complete this certification ON TIME will make you get another penalty points.

If you accumulate more than ten penalty points you will be asked to move out of the dorms.


3. 如有疑問請洽學務處住宿組承辦人陳振祥(分機72146或 來信 g931331@nccu.edu.tw

