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British Office in Taipei【英國在台辦事處】Internship Opportunity 2021
The British Office in Taipei is part of a worldwide network of 230 UK government’ offices, representing the UK interests overseas. We maintain and develop relations between the UK and Taiwan. We are pleased to announce that we are offering 1 internship opportunity at Tech Team, Department for International Trade, for students who wish to gain experiences before they enter the workforce.
● Job Title: Tech Team Intern
● Department: Tech Team, Department for International Trade
● Main duties and responsibilities:
1. Administration work & database management
2. Translation & Desk research
3. Event preparation and onsite support
● Type of students desired:
Undergraduate students or postgraduate students majoring in business, trade, engineering, finance, life science, marketing or English language, with sector knowledge/experience in tech industries preferred.
1. Strong IT skills – Microsoft Office, Survey and video editing tools.
2. Excellent spoken and written English and Chinese.
● Duration: 10 months. We request the intern student to come in and work in the office 1-2 days a week during the internship. The expected starting date would be mid-July.
● How to apply:
Please email us your English CV with a covering letter to techteamdittaipei@gmail.com.
The deadline for this application is 21st May.
Please note that only those candidates who are successful in the initial selection will be invited to an interview. The interview will be conducted in English.






  • 【海選時間】:2021521日(五) 
  • 【報名連結】:https://wooo.tw/SY4zPtW 
  • 【徵選職務】:正職初階公關顧問(職務角色細節請見:https://wooo.tw/7btNYXK) 
  • 【徵選資格】:應屆畢業生,或非相關經歷三年以下工作者。(本職務歡迎多元科系背景人才應徵) 
  • 【角色待遇】: 
  1. 應屆畢業生月薪起薪35,000起跳(含固定津貼),有經驗或高學歷者視能力另議。 
  2. 成為正式夥伴後,每月最低薪資(含固定津貼)達43,000元以上,依過往紀錄,約6-9個月可通過考核、成為正式員工,依個人績效而異。 
  3. 首年即有10天年假(滿三個月就有3天),每年一月一日增加2天,第五年起每年增加1天 
  4. 10% On Target Income 
  5. 每月高達20%的利潤分享 
  6. 年度營運成果分享 
  7. 每年2次以上於五星級飯店舉辦Workshop、外部講座、自我陶成假等訓練制度 
  8. 久任基金、運動津貼、生日禮券等多項福利



「替客戶發聲、替市場傳聲、重新定義公關顧問於產業中的影響力。」是訴諸於《VOCAL MIDDLE 布爾喬亞公關顧問公司》一名的企盼。以「資料科學」、「顧問思惟」作為雙引擎,驅動「公關專業」,成為企業客戶「資訊(Information)、觀點(Insight)、影響力(Influencer)」的全方位供給者。  

根基於商業策略之上,以「公關行銷解決方案」為品牌造勢、為企業造市。為企業品牌發聲 (Be the VOCAL);同時定義公關價值新主張 (PR, the New Sexy)  

【布爾喬亞 歷年獲獎紀錄】:https://wooo.tw/0pg1NyY  

【布爾喬亞 品牌客戶】:https://wooo.tw/jHkyenW  

【布爾喬亞 顧問專訪】:https://wooo.tw/cMEmVAv




  1. 帳務處理:憑證審核、傳票產製、報表產出及查詢等。
  2. 法規應用:在實務工作上應用會計、稅務、公司法等規範。
  3. 行政作業:學習集團運作流程及內部控制程序、資料整理、分析、歸檔、專案協助等主管交辦事項。

#工作時間:3 至 5 天/週


#實習地點:台北市中山區敬業四路 33 號

#開放實習名額:5 至 10 位

#實習期間:110 年 7 月 1 日至 111 年 5 月 30 日

#薪資:每小時 160 元



#應徵方式:mail 至 abby_lin@pxmart.com.tw;後續會電話安排面試

#應徵截止日期:5 月 30 日

#面試日期:收到履歷後 1 至 2 週內

#面試結果通知日期:面試完後 1 週內


  1. 姓名:林詩涵
  2. 電話:(02)2532-8000 #1387

3. 電子郵件:abby_lin@pxmart.com.tw