美國北加州臺灣青商會-矽谷101(生活 求學 求職 創業)12/6(六)早上10點
1、生活面:Stephanie Wu主講(好萊塢影視記者、瑜珈老師;南加大USC 新聞所碩士、洛杉磯加大UCLA 生物心理學)。
2、求學面:Wase Fan主講(專案經理PM;南加大USC 電機碩士)。
3、求職面:Constance Liu(商業創新經理;南加大USC企管碩士MBA)。
4、創業面:Austin Hwang(AI創業家、VC;牛津大學醫工碩士、倫敦大學 UCL生化工程)。
活動詳情與線上報名請掃QR Code或輸入網址:https://bit.ly/30N5pUD。
二、表演藝術學士學位學程公告徵聘「Performing Arts (Stage Performance、Performing Arts Management)」助理教授級(含)以上EMI外籍教師,共1位。(請詳見附件二)
【CakeResume】招募 Business Development & Operations Intern 商務開發與營運實習生
CakeResume 成立於 2016 年,秉持著幫助人才呈現其專業價值的理念,著手打造容易上手的免費履歷工具,讓使用者可以輕鬆打造突顯個人特色的線上履歷。同時在台灣也已是知名科技人才的招募平台。從 2016 年 5 月創立至今,已累積將近九十萬份履歷、四千多家企業刊登職缺。
在此實習計畫中,你會有真正自己的企劃,獲得與 CakeResume 團隊一同討論執行解決社會實際問題的機會,有機會第一線了解各領先創新產業的發展求才需求,幫助同學與自己更了解如何拓展國際職涯。歡迎喜歡新創敏捷環境、追求創新科技工作、熱愛幫助他人、善於解決問題的學生加入。
We are seeking creative, smart, self-motivated starter to join us. At CakeResume, you'll have your own projects to help talents express their unique value proposition, and find a job they love and a team they love to work with in the digital age.
We are always on the look for extraordinary talents who have passions in making things change, please feel free to reach out. Let's make the world's job market a better place!
About CakeResume :https://www.cakeresume.com
「幫助人才成長」是 CakeResume 的使命,我們致力於幫助優秀的人才更好的展現才能並找到喜歡的工作。我們從台灣開始到全世界,幫助新世代的人才連結各種機會以挖掘成長的各種可能性。
Business Development & Operations Intern 將加入我們的商務團隊,幫助我們執行招募活動、穿梭校園、發想曝光渠道、建立社群連結等等,協助 CakeResume 商務成長!
【實習薪資】160 ~ 180 TWD/小時
- Plan and host events on or off-campus to connect talents to great companies.
- Build strong relationships with students from different backgrounds, and key stakeholders from startups, leading tech companies, accelerator programs, etc.
- Work closely with the CakeResume business team to launch brand awareness programs and introduce CakeResume to potential users on campus or from all over the world.
- Enhance CakeResume’s brand awareness through creating rich contents on social media, and generate traffic growth.
- 具備良好的溝通協調能力,可清楚表達個人邏輯思路
- 目標導向且具自發性,能夠掌握時程、專案進度並兼顧透明主動的溝通
- 具備實習、社團合作或個人專案等經驗,並擁有商務、行銷、活動相關專案執行成果
Bonus Qualifications
- 有相關實習或銷售經驗
- 有社群經營與數位內容行銷經驗
• 一週能配合進辦公室至少 3 天
• 能夠實習至少ㄧ學期
• 應徵時請附上英文履歷與求職信
Weicheng Hsieh, COO
Weicheng Hsieh, COO
E-Mail: weicheng@cakeresume.com
【CakeResume】招募 Recruitment Consultant Intern — 人才招募顧問實習生 (提供轉正職機會)
CakeResume 成立於 2016年,秉持著幫助人才呈現其專業價值的理念,著手打造容易上手的免費履歷工具,讓使用者可以輕鬆打造突顯個人特色的線上履歷。同時在台灣也已是知名科技人才的招募平台。從 2016 年 5 月創立至今,已累積將近九十萬份履歷、四千多家企業刊登職缺。
在此實習計畫中,你會有真正自己的企劃,獲得與 CakeResume 團隊一同討論執行解決社會實際問題的機會,有機會第一線了解各領先創新產業的發展求才需求,幫助同學與自己更了解如何拓展國際職涯。歡迎喜歡新創敏捷環境、追求創新科技工作、熱愛幫助他人、善於解決問題的學生加入。
We are seeking creative, smart, self-motivated starters to join us. At CakeResume, you'll have your own projects to help talents express their unique value proposition, and find a job they love and a team they love to work with in the digital age.
We are always on the look for extraordinary talents who have passions in making things change, please feel free to reach out. Let's make the world's job market a better place!
About CakeResume :https://www.cakeresume.com
As CakeResume's Recruitment Consultant Intern, you will work closely with our recruitment consultant team to help clients find suitable candidates, and reach their hiring & business goals.
If you would like to develop a career in sales, this opportunity enables you to learn advanced business skills, 2B communication skills, as well as market insights for talent acquisition. With adequate training in cold calls & cold emails, plus working closely with our experienced consultants, we believe that we can help you master essential business skills!
【實習薪資】24,000 - 32,000 TWD/month
- Serve as an assistant member of the Recruitment Team in helping to drive overall candidate sourcing and technical assessments, and match them to tech companies.
- Help fast-growing companies to build their team and help them meet their business goals.
- Strong command of Mandarin in both verbal and writing
- Passion for startups and tech ecosystem – understanding how startups operate and the unique characteristics of tech ecosystem and communities.
- Professional maturity – ability to operate effectively and with self-discipline given ambiguity, diverse market needs, minimal micro-managerial oversight, and geographically dispersed teammates.
Bonus Qualifications
- Strong command of English in both verbal and writing.
Experiences in sales is a plus: the ability to work under pressure and enjoy sales-related job roles
Please note, we prefer interns who can work at least 3 days a week (during the academic year) for at least 4-6 months.
Nick Chin, Senior Manager of Recruitment
Nick Chin, Senior Manager of Recruitment
E-Mail: nick.chin@cakeresume.com
新北市政府就業服務處將於 110 年 12 月 9 日(四)瑞芳區公所 3 樓禮堂舉辦 2021 新北市現場徵才活動
新北市政府就業服務處於 12 月 9 日(四)10 點到 14 點假瑞芳區公所 3 樓禮堂(新北市瑞芳區逢甲路 82 號 3 樓),舉辦「2021 新北市現場徵才活動」,現場邀請 14 家知名廠商,提供 300 多個工作機會,歡迎求職者踴躍參加。