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政大傳院劇場「得時の夢 精華版」,請大家踴躍參加


About the “Dream of Becoming“
Living within the folk community, Taiwanese puppetry has always occupied a place in the arena of popular entertainment, having to not only face the changing aesthetic tastes of people in different eras but also to resiliently survive under changes in political regimes. In the final years of Japanese colonial rule, amidst the influence of Japanese traditional puppet theatre, Bunraku (文樂), and modern puppetry, Huang Deshi remained steadfast in his belief in the uniqueness and value of indigenous puppetry art.
The Taipei Puppet Theater is a representative traditional puppetry troupe in Taiwan. Breaking away from the traditional family-based puppetry troupes and their constraints, it focuses on preserving Taiwanese traditional arts. Through practical research, fieldwork, and collaboration with master puppeteers, the theatre constructs works representing different periods. Amidst the tide of generational exchange, the theatre began collaborating with modern directors and artists from various fields, reinterpreting traditional Taiwanese puppetry to create new puppetry works that resonate with the contemporary era. "Dream of Becoming (得時の夢)" not only represents Mr Huang Deshi's imagination of traditional puppetry but also embodies the modern professional theatre troupe's contemplation on how to adapt to the times—a dream of art conforming to the zeitgeist!
活動日期:113年 12月 19日