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Shopee Online Webinar [ Meet with our GLPs l #全程參與抽AppleWatch #系列講座開放報名 #政大專場]

Shopee Global Leaders Program 蝦皮購物儲備幹部計畫已於 9/6 (一) 開放報名!

The Global Leaders Program is a 2-year graduate program consisting of four 6-month local and overseas rotations, designed for highly enthusiastic and ambitious young talents.
Take on a multitude of responsibilities to drive Shopee’s critical projects and be involved in the expansion of Shopee across the region!

Throughout the program, you will also be guided under the direct mentorship of the senior management team. At the end of the program, you would have experienced a significant amount of professional and personal growth which will fast-track your career in the eCommerce industry.

Join our dynamic and exciting team to have the chance for you to lead and make a real impact!

為了幫各位解決所有對於 Shopee GLP 計畫的疑問,Meet with our GLPs 系列講座將邀請現任 Global Leaders Program 儲備幹部,與您分享身為 Shopee GLP 的職涯歷程與發展。
透過學長姐的分享,您將在短時間內掌握 Shopee 對於儲備幹部人選的期待,擁有比別人更明確的方向準備履歷及面試。

🎁🎁政大的同學及畢業生報名本場次並全程參與的話,將享有好禮Apple Watch抽獎資格🎁🎁
#9月27日 - #政大場

🔹 Coco Yao l 畢業於政大外交系 l Global Leaders Program 2021 
🔹 Wilson Hung  l 畢業於上海復旦大學 財務管理系 l Global Leaders Program 2020

🔹 活動時間:2021年9月27日 (一) 19:00
🔹 活動連結:Zoom會議連結於活動前寄至您填寫之信箱
🔹 報名連結:https://reurl.cc/em83YK
🔹 追蹤資訊:https://www.instagram.com/shopeecareerstw/

🔸 計劃資訊:https://careers.shopee.tw/GLP/
🔸 投遞連結:https://careers.shopee.tw/job-detail/5324
🔸 申請期間:2021年9月6日 - 2021年10月28日

#ShopeeCareersTW #CareersinShopee #ShopeeTW #系列講座 #NCCU