恆天然乳品公司(Fonterra Brands)徵業務部及行銷部實習生
業務部實習生- Intern Project- Sales Department
需求人數: 1人 (歡迎日間就讀大4或碩2的在校生)
- 9月(或8月)開始, 為期1-2學期
- 每週2天
- 每天 9:00- 18:00
工作內容 :
- Support Fundamental Tracking for display, Price, Shelf and Merchandising.
- Assist on Data Analysis & Insight Generation: Off-Take Analysis, off-take trend vs competition price index & promotion activities ; ROI (return on investment) in different promotion mechanism.
- Support Shopper Behavior Survey: Shopper Decision Tree, Planogram Efficiency, etc.
- Assist on Project Base Design for trade off-take optimization plan and post-analysis.
1. 具備駕照:輕型機車、普通重型機車
2. With 1 year working experience in FMCG company which is preferred not a must.
3. Strong team player, responsible, self-driven with a strong drive to exceed expectations and take up higher challenges
4. Strong coordination, careful and problem solving abilities
5. Positive thinking and open-minded for the team work.
行銷部實習生-學生實習 Intern Project- Marketing Department
需求人數: 1人 (歡迎日間就讀大4或碩2的在校生)
- 9月(或8月)開始, 為期1-2學期
- 每週3天
- 每天 9:00- 18:00
工作內容 :
- Mainly support Digital & CRM activity
- Assist in competition / market data analysis for NPD (by project base)
- Project Management and optimization
<Short-term> Social monitoring. (Include FB buzz/ message/ questions, brand site consumer complaint, competitors activities.)
<Long-term> Social media content management and optimization. (FACEBOOK Fan Page)
- Assist in execute and monitor owned media for all brands.
1. Brand site maintenance
2. FACEBOOK Fan Page maintenance (include social CRM addressing)
- Assist in digital marketing campaign/ project execution and performance tracking, ex: SERPO, WOM, Social Engagement, etc.
- Assist CRM routine execution, ex: bone scan member data upload.
- Periodically deliver execution report on FB and CRM (brand site and FB).
- Competitors activities monitoring and summary
1. With 1 year working experience in FMCG company which is preferred not a must.
2. Strong team player, responsible, self-driven with a strong drive to exceed expectations and take up higher challenges
3. Strong coordination, careful and problem solving abilities
4. Positive thinking and open-minded for the team work.
5. Other requirement
i. Have experience on blog, digital community management will be a plus.
ii. Fluent in English (reading & writing)
6. Working time requirement
i. 3 working days a week (in-house)
ii. Include winter/ summer vacation period
上班地點: 台北市松山區敦化南路一段2號11樓
工作待遇: 依公司規定 (符合勞基法規定)
應徵聯絡人: 鄭小姐
聯絡E-mail : jamie.cheng@fonterra.com
聯絡電話: 02-2771-3066 #308