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APT正職暨實習招募說明會: 11/18 () 19:30 台灣大學管理學院一號館B1國際會議廳




知名美商策略顧問公司 APT (Applied Predictive Technologies) 將於 11/18 (三) 19:30 於台灣大學正大國際會議廳 (管院一號館B1) 舉辦公司徵才說明會。 APT顧問群來自台大、麻省理工學院 (MIT) 、多倫多大學 (University of Toronto) 、康乃爾 (Cornell) 等學校、背景多元,屆時將和各位分享策略顧問產業的成長與挑戰,以及準備履歷與個案面試應注意的事項,歡迎任何科系及年級的同學踴躍參加! 請有興趣參加的同學先於線上報名:http://download.predictivetechnologies.com/infosession2015/ -- APT (Applied Predictive Technologies) 為知名美商策略顧問公司,總部位於華盛頓特區,目前於舊金山、倫敦、台北、東京、雪梨均設有分公司,提供財星五百大企業專業的商業發展策略分析。客戶遍布銀行業、餐飲業、藥妝業、科技業、保險業、零售業等等,包含Wal-Mart、麥當勞、屈臣氏、星巴克、Asahi(朝日)、Abercrombie & Fitch、全家便利商店、加拿大皇家銀行、Victoria’s Secret等。 APT 非常重視人才的永續經營,提供新人豐富而完善的教育訓練,多樣化的工作內容亦能培養跨產業的絕佳視野。加入的第一年,將有數週於美國總部進行教育訓練,並有前往亞太各國拜訪客戶的機會。此外,我們提供具高度競爭力的薪資,以及豐厚的福利及休假。 目前亞太各國如日韓、星馬與大中華地區的專案大部分均由台北分公司負責,透過和來自台大、哈佛、MIT、史丹佛、普林斯頓等頂尖名校的同事密切合作跨國專案,以及直接和不同產業的企業高層接觸,台北分公司的顧問能確實影響客戶的各種重要決策。此外,台北分公司擁有創新、自由、多元的辦公室文化,目前正積極成長擴張,因此每一位成員都對公司發展具有重要影響力,非常適合樂於挑戰自我的申請者加入。 APT Taipei目前開放Business Consultant以及Database Analyst的職缺,歡迎任何科系的申請者前來應徵。欲申請者請準備英文履歷、英文自我推薦信(Cover Letter)、大學及以上學位成績單,至 http://www.joinapt.com/ 申請。


************************************************** Business Consultant (Full-time and Summer Intern) • About The Position o Following introductory training, Business Consultants play a substantial role on multiple client teams across a wide range of industries. In this setting, you will learn quickly and be exposed to diverse business issues, gaining the experience to lead key client engagements. Responsibilities include building client relationships, integrating datasets for use in APT’s proprietary software, and executing analyses that drive high-value decisions. You will help senior executives of consumer facing organizations make investment decisions that can drive millions of dollars in increased profits. At APT, you are expected not only to have a tremendous impact in transforming the way our clients do business, but also a leading role in shaping APT’s future. • Ideal Candidate Qualification o Demonstrated analytical/quantitative skills o Inquisitive, with an aptitude for problem-solving o Highly motivated, responsibility-seeking, hard-working professional o Strong written and verbal communications o Superior academic record at a leading national university o Fluency required in Mandarin Chinese and English languages Application Deadline: 2016/1/20 (Wednesday)

Database Analyst (Full-time) • About The Position o As a Database Analyst at APT, you will help design, implement, automate and maintain large scale enterprise data ETL processes. You will work with senior management, technical and client teams in order to determine data requirements, business data implementation approaches, best practices for advanced data manipulation, storage and analysis strategies for Big Data. The Database Analyst will support the critical data upon which APT provides enterprise level software and consulting services. • Ideal Candidate Qualification o Between 0-2 years of relevant experience  o Working knowledge of database technologies,  specifically Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 o Knowledge with the ETL process and SSIS o Knowledge of at least one scripting language (.Net, Perl, Python, VB Script), experience with C# is not required but is a plus o Strong written and oral communication skills o Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills o Good numeracy o Demonstrated history of success o Desire to be working with data and helping businesses make better data driven decisions o Fluency required in Mandarin Chinese and English languages

Application Deadline: Rolling Basis

**************************************************更進一步的工作說明及面試方式(Case Interview),請參閱我們的網站http://www.joinapt.com/
