藝術性社團-Art Club
藝術性社團簡介-Art Club
編號 |
學生團體中/英文名稱 |
社團簡介 |
C001 |
Chinese Music Club |
我們歡迎新手跟老鳥,如果是初學者,將會從基礎班開始學習,如果你是老鳥,歡迎直接練團上公演,快來加入我們吧! We warmly welcome players of all skill levels. Beginners will learn from scratch, while experienced players can practice and perform with us! |
C002 |
Gu Zheng (Chinese Zither) Club |
社團活動包含了古箏的基本彈奏技巧教學、古箏的文化背景的介紹,如果你對中國傳統音樂的美麗與深度充滿了熱情,歡迎你加入我們這個大家庭! Our club activities include teaching the basic playing techniques of the Guzheng and an introduction to the cultural background. If you are passionate about the beauty of Chinese traditional music, join us! |
C004 | 吉他社 Guitar Club |
參加吉他社除了有機會認識同樣喜歡音樂的朋友外,也有機會組團參加表演,無論有沒有學過吉他,我們都歡迎你們加入喔! Joining the Guitar Club offers you the opportunity to connect with music enthusiasts, form bands, and participate in performances. Whether you have played guitar before or not, everyone is welcome to join us! |
C005 |
Wind Band |
多元的演奏風格、定期舉行的公演,愛音樂的你絕對不能錯過政大管樂! We have diverse playing styles and hold public performances regularly. We welcome all music lovers to join us! |
C006 |
NCCU Symphony Orchestra |
我們是一群喜歡音樂的學生,期望在古典音樂中找尋充實與啟發,並將這份感動呈現給大家。 We are a group of students who love music, hoping to find fulfillment and inspiration in classical music and to share this wonderful experience with everyone. |
C007 |
Cheng-Sheng Chorus |
振聲合唱團由政大各院系愛好合唱的同學組成。除了學期中的常規練唱,振聲也會舉辦寒暑訓、音樂營、社團郊遊等活動,期能提升同學音樂水平、推動校園合唱風氣,並增進團員向心力與認同感。 Our club is composed of students from various departments who are passionate about choral singing. In addition to regular practice, we also want to promote the culture of choral singing on campus and foster a sense of unity. |
C008 |
Rockn'Roll Club |
We are Rockn'Roll club, but we also enjoy various styles of band! if you want to learn an instrument or play music, Welcome to join us! |
C012 |
歌仔戲社 NCCU Taiwanese Opera Club |
歌仔戲社期望能推廣本土戲曲-歌仔戲,以及結合對本土文化深具熱忱之同好,共同發展此一珍貴藝術。 Our Club aims to promote local traditional opera and unite enthusiasts who share a deep passion for local culture in developing and preserving this precious art form together. |
C013 |
Drama Club |
抓馬戲劇社致力於提供政大人接觸戲劇表演,以及自由創作、合作展演的空間。 The Drama club is dedicated to providing NCCU students with opportunities to engage in theatrical performances, as well as spaces for creative expression, and joint performances. |
C016 |
Calligraphy Club |
臨池書法社以推廣傳統書藝為旨,希望以書寫探索傳統文化的精深內。 We aim to promote traditional calligraphy, hoping to delve into the profound essence of traditional culture through the art of writing. |
C018 |
Rainbow Art Club |
采虹美術社是由一群熱愛藝術並有心精進美術技巧的政大學生所組成,也是政大目前唯一以繪畫為主的社團。 We are a group of students passionate about art and dedicated to improving our artistic skills. We are also the only club at NCCU that focuses primarily on painting. |
C019 |
攝影研究社 Photography Club |
攝影研究社秉持「生活即攝影,攝影即生活」的精神,規劃涵蓋各項主題的課程、邀請校外攝影師客座演講、舉辦外拍活動促成攝影愛好者互相交流。 We uphold the spirit of 'Life is Photography, Photography is Life.' Our courses cover various themes. We also invite professional photographers to teach. Additionally, we hold location shooting activities to gather all photography enthusiasts together to communicate with each other. |
C020 |
Animation & Comics Club |
每學期固定有動畫鑑賞與繪圖教學等活動,並邀請外界人士前來演講,提供一個同好間能夠輕鬆交流的環境! |
C021 |
Tea Connoisseurship Club |
茶葉、茶具、泡茶、製茶,一個詞就是一門學問。在茶的世界裡,有著你意想不到的廣博知識,來跟我們一起體會茶的藝術吧! Tea leaves, tea service, brewing tea, and tea making—each term represents its unique field of study. The world of tea is filled with unexpected knowledge. Come and experience the art of tea with us! |
C022 |
Artcraft Club |
提供手工藝愛好者一個可以交到同好、製作不同類型手工藝的小天地!歡迎對製作手工藝有興趣的朋友加入!在這裡體驗做手工藝的樂趣! We offer a space where craft enthusiasts can meet like-minded individuals. Experience the joy of crafting with us! |
C024 |
Plastic Model Club |
政大模型社已成立超過20年,專長為軍事、科幻類模型製作 Plastic Model Club has been established for over twenty years, and we specialize in military and science fiction model making. |
C025 |
Magic Club |
我們歡迎新手/老手,打造友善環境,只要有顆熱誠的心,這裡就是自己的舞台! We welcome both rookies and veterans to help create a friendly environment. If you have a passion for magic, this is your stage! |
C027 |
NCCU Bridge Club |
我們會從基礎規則學習開始,逐步深入到橋牌的策略和技巧。歡迎對橋藝有興趣的人都可以來參加唷! We will start with the basic rules and gradually delve into the strategies and techniques of Bridge. We welcome everyone interested in Bridge to join us! |
C028 |
NCCU Go Club |
自2004年創辦政大盃以來,與大專盃並列為最具指標性的大賽。平時社課除幹部指導初學者外,另聘有職棋老師進行講座唷! Since its establishment in 2004, the NCCU Cup has been ranked alongside the Collegiate Cup as one of the most iconic competitions. In addition to leadership guidance for beginners during regular club activities, we also regularly invite professional chess teachers to give lectures. |
C032 | Golden Melody |
金旋獎作為大專院校具指標性的音樂比賽,不僅提供熱愛音樂的學生一座夢想舞台,更是培育音樂產業幕後人才的搖籃!Golden Melody as an iconic music competition among universities, we provide a dream stage for passionate students and cultivate behind-the-scenes talent in the music industry. |
C033 |
Piano Club |
想學鋼琴卻沒有機會嗎?我們有三間設備完整的琴房,還收藏許多鋼琴譜。不管你是看不懂五線譜的新手,還是蕭邦李斯特都彈得流暢的神人,都歡迎加入鋼琴社一起交流! Want to learn piano but haven't had the chance yet? We have three fully equipped piano rooms and a vast piano sheet music collection. Whether you are a beginner or a master, you are welcome to join! |
C034 |
Taiwanese Puppet Club |
你想學操偶、道具製作,或只是想尋找一起看布袋戲的朋友,布研社都是你的好去處! 歡迎大家來玩! If you are interested in learning about puppeteering and prop-making or looking for friends to watch Taiwanese puppet shows, our club is the perfect place for you! |
C035 |
AFRO Music Club |
任何一點簡單、零碎的節奏,都是嘻哈的能量。歡迎來黑人音樂社! Every simple, fragmented rhythm carries the energy of hip-hop. Welcome to Afro Music Club! |
C037 | Board Game Club |
政大桌遊社旨在推廣不插電的桌上遊戲,並結交志同道合的朋友切磋技術,歡迎有興趣的朋友前來同樂! Our club aims to promote unplugged tabletop games and connect like-minded friends to hone their skills. All interested are welcome to join the fun! |
C038 |
MakeUp Club |
彩妝保養社為同學們提供彩妝、保養交流的平台。社團設計各種社課,讓同學能課程中盡情享受彩妝。 We provide a platform for students to exchange ideas about makeup and skincare. We have organized various activities that allow members to enjoy learning about makeup through these courses. |
C041 |
NCCU Jazz Music Club |
平時社課會聚在一起即興,曲風橫跨爵士藍調靈魂放克, 歡迎喜歡爵士音樂的人一起來玩! We will gather to improvise during classes, exploring diverse styles such as jazz, blues, soul, and funk. Anyone who loves jazz music is welcome to join us! |
C047 |
政大藝術季企畫團隊 NCCU Art Festival Society |
為政治大學舉行為期一週的藝文策展活動,至今藝術季策展活動已包含影展、劇場、展覽、講座、市集、自由藝術等六大面向。 We will hold a week-long art and cultural curatorial event. The art festival has so far included six major aspects: film festivals, theater, exhibitions, lectures, markets, and free art. |
C049 |
NCCU Music Festival Society |
作為媒合新媒體藝術與音樂的平台。創造不同的感官體驗,讓表演有更多不同的可能。一起在政大重新認識音樂表演、聽見更多不同的聲音。 As a platform that combines new media art with music, we create diverse sensory experiences and offer more possibilities for performance! |
C050 |
Acappella Club |
阿卡貝拉就是無伴奏合唱,意思就是將一首包含各種樂器伴奏,甚至是鼓點的歌曲用純人聲演譯! 歡迎任何有興趣、愛唱歌的朋友們加入! A cappella refers to unaccompanied choral singing, which involves interpreting songs with various instrumental accompaniments, even drumbeat songs! we use purely vocal sounds to interpret. Anyone interested and who loves to sing is welcome to join. |
C051 |
NCCU Floral Design Club |
政大花藝社致力於教授花卉設計和保養,學生可以學習製作花束、盆景等,並探索花藝的美學。 We are dedicated to teaching flower design and maintenance, where students can learn to create bouquets and bonsai and explore the aesthetics of floral art. |
C053 |
Wotagei Club |
御宅藝是一種以螢光棒為媒介的表演形式,原為日系項演唱會的應援方式之一,現在因為其華麗的效果發展成一項專門的技藝。 Wotagei art is a performance using glow sticks as a medium. It was originally one of the support methods for Japanese-style concerts. However, due to its splendid effects, it has now evolved into a specialized skill. |
C054 |
Japanese shogi, language and cultural study club |
致力於推廣日本將棋,辦理精實的理論和實戰課程,同時辦理豐富的文化體驗課程、有趣的社團聯誼活動,讓同學在交朋友的同時充實自我! We are dedicated to promoting Japanese Shogi and offering solid theoretical and practical courses. We also hold various cultural experience courses and engage in club association activities. |