服務性社團-Service Club
服務性社團簡介-Service Club
編號 |
學生團體中/英文名稱 |
社團簡介 |
E001 |
指南服務團 NCCU Chinan Youth Club |
我們為偏遠地區或原住民部落,以愛心提供服務,以服務傳播愛心。 We provide services to rural areas and indigenous tribes and spread love to them through our service. |
E002 |
The Association of Loving Care |
我們是一個校內的服務性社團。你曾想過偏鄉地區的學生生活及學習是如何的嗎? 亦或是想體驗教學的樂趣嗎?歡迎來政大愛愛會,從「感同身受」開始! We are a service-oriented club on campus. Have you ever wondered how students in rural areas live and learn? Or do you want to experience the joy of teaching? welcome to join us! |
E004 |
Aboriginal Service Society |
如果你想了解原民文化、體驗部落生活、撰寫教案並實際執行、擁有與眾不同的志工服務經驗,歡迎你 成為我們的一員!\ If you are interested in understanding indigenous cultures, experiencing tribal life, developing and implementing education plans, and having a unique volunteer experience. Come and join us! |
E009 |
Tzuchi Youth Group |
本社秉持佛陀慈悲喜捨的精神,鼓勵同學利用課餘的時間服務社會。 Our club upholds the spirit of Buddha's loving, kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. We encourage students to serve the community in their spare time. |
E013 |
The Association of True Love |
充滿上帝之愛的基督徒社團。我們關心年輕人的需要,期望將真正的愛,傳給每個需要的人! We are a Christian club dedicated to addressing the needs of young people. We hope to share love with everyone who is in need. |
E016 |
New Hope Family |
我們是一群在政大校園,熱愛服務人、真誠關心人的大學生! We are a group of students passionate about serving and caring for others on campus! |
E019 |
International Volunteer Association |
我們重視孩子們的教育和陪伴,服務深入各地的偏鄉學校。歡迎加入我們,用服務為臺灣和世界上的其他孩子帶來不同的想像! We value children's education and companionship and serve schools in rural areas across the region. Join us in bringing a new vision to these children! |
E022 |
Life-Respect Student Club |
想更了解政大校園裡的貓貓狗狗嗎? 或是想要了解如何與校園內的動物和平共處嗎?快來加入我們吧! Are you interested in learning more about the cats and dogs on campus or how to coexist peacefully with them? Come and join us! |
E023 |
Legal Aid Society |
本社團提供免費法律諮詢服務,由專業義務律師在場為民眾解惑! Our club provides free legal consultation services with professional volunteer lawyers to help resolve everyone’s legal questions. |
E024 |
IC Tribe |
If you love children, want to experience tribal culture, and hope to create camp-related memories with the tribe, then the IC Tribe is your best choice! |
E027 |
NCCU Soobi@School |
Soobi 是全台第一個校園數位志工履歷紀錄與認證單位。致力推廣數位志工,讓更多大學生可以運用科技來改變社會! We are dedicated to promoting digital volunteer service, enabling more university students to use technology to change society! |
E028 |
NCCU LightenStreet |
我們致力於推廣無家者議題的學生社團。希望能透過分享議題知識與舉辦送餐活動,讓更多人認識無家者、建立起多元認知,達到去汙名化的效果。 Our club is dedicated to raising awareness of homelessness by sharing knowledge on the issue and organizing meal distribution events so that more people can understand the situation of the homeless. |