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109-1藝文中心工作室 志工招募中!


政大藝文中心工作室 志工招募

NCCU Art & Culture Center Volunteer Recruiting




◊招募說明會&分組定位Orientation for Recruit

時間Date&Time: 2020.9.24(週四 Thr.)19:30-21:30

地點Venue: 藝文中心四樓 Art Hub,4th floor of Art & Culture Center



















-What does a Volunteer do?

A volunteer may join one of the following groups:(1)Front-of-House Team: Providing assistance for the carrying out of live shows (including music, theater, and dance performances) and cultural activities (lectures and workshops). (2)Exhibition Team: On-site duty of exhibitions, curatorial research, and assistance of exhibition openings and activities. (3)Theatre Crew: Technologically assisting activities held by the Art Center and operating stage lighting and audio equipment in the audiovisual theater.

-Who can apply?

Any person in the NCCU community who is interested in art-related activities, willing to undergo a volunteer training program, and able to be actively involved in the volunteer services. Basic level of Chinese speaking is requested.

-How to apply?

fill in the application form in the attachment and send to the Art & Culture Center by 12:00 on Sep. 11, 2020 (email address:nccuarts@nccu.edu.tw) and remember to attend the Orientation for Recruit on Sep.24. Please note that the Theatre Crew will arrange an independent interview to attend.



志工報名政大藝文中心 楊小姐 02-29393091 分機63391

前台組張小姐 分機63394/展覽組林先生 分機62059/劇場組詹小姐 分機63392
