111 年彰化縣政府青年創薪加倍領獎勵試辦計畫
1. 國內公私立高中職以上110年應屆畢業生(於110年9月1日至111年9月30日期間畢業,但經教育部或就讀之學校認定為110年學年度應屆畢業者,不在此限)。
2. 於109年9月1日至110年8月31日期間畢業,且畢業後依兵役法規徵集服義務役,並於110年6月15日(含)後退役。
青霆亞太專為品牌規劃在地化市場策略,為合作品牌快速及有效的拓展亞洲市場。 分別在香港,泰國,越南,和台灣都有公司,每一區都有超過二十年市場經驗的專業團隊,可以協助我們的合作夥伴們掌握消費趨勢,開拓地方市場。
Emporio Armani
是 Giorgio Armani 於 1981 年推出的第一個副線品牌。其標誌性的老鷹徽標已成為品牌全球眾多粉絲的一種歸屬象徵。 季復一季,品牌的休閒風格和優雅審美得以不斷重塑,經久不衰
Michael Kors
Michael Kors的腕錶是外形與功能的完美結合之作。無論是對傳統創意的現代演繹還是精美的混合材質,每款設計均體現了Michael 時髦奢華的設計理念。
FOSSIL 是美國的手錶及創造生活風格的品牌, 創意十足的紮根於原汁原味的復古和經典的設計, 具備方便攜帶與流線型設計外型的皮件包款, 清新色調和材質的手錶與配件, 創造出永恆獨特的時尚風格
Find Kapoor
來自韓國的精品包袋, 從造型藝術汲取靈感, 為日常生活創造美感。簡約設計和理念是Find Kapoor 的主要核心
本公司為Fossil集團、Find Kapoor、Nordgreen唯一授權之台灣獨家總代理,負責台灣市場銷售業務及服務。 在青霆亞太,我們提供一個快節奏、有挑戰性、有創造性並且充滿樂趣的工作環境。個人和專業的發展在青霆亞太充滿了機會,為了給予我們的員工每個成長及成功的機會,我們的企業和彈性的工作環境積極鼓勵創新及團隊合作。
5. 薪資待遇:月薪 32,000 元以上
6. 聯絡方式:李小姐Sharon Lee sharon@dragonflyapac.com.tw
或可至104 apply
ORION Venture Partners 誠徵 Investment Analyst
ORION is a growing venture investor across various sectors, and are continuing to expand its Taipei office by adding a high-caliber investment professional to the team.
The role will focus on researching, analyzing and executing the firm's investments across a variety of areas including TMT, Healthcare, AI, Media, and Retail etc.
You will have the opportunity to be part of a growing and successful team, to work on high-profile transactions across Greater China and U.S. This is an excellent opportunity for any individual looking to further their career within a highly successful emerging investment firm.
公司名稱 The name of the enterprise
- ORION Venture Partners
公司簡介 Brief introduction
- ORION is a growing venture investor across various sectors, and are continuing to expand its Taipei office by adding a high-caliber investment professional to the team.
公司網站 The website of the enterprise
職缺名稱 Job title
- Investment Analyst
工作內容 Job Description
- Conduct market research and support deal sourcing.
- Assist in program execution and internal operation.
- Support portfolio management activities, including reviewing portfolio updates and preparing for relevant industry development updates.
薪資待遇 Work Payment
- negotiable
工作性質 Job type
- researching, analyzing and executing the firm's investments
工作地點 Location
- Taipei office
上班時段 Working hours
- 9am to 6pm
需求人數 the number of vacancy
- 1
條件需求 Requirement
工作經歷 Working experience
- No working experience is acceptable.
學歷要求 Academic requirement
- University degree with solid academic record.
語文條件 Language
- Fluent verbal and written communication skills in Chinese and English.
工作技能 Specialties
- Superior strategic and analytic skills and entrepreneurial mindset.
聯絡方式 Contact
- Please send your CV and a brief cover letter to Ariel Chuang, at info@orion-vc.com if you are interested in being considered for the role.
ORION Venture Partners 誠徵 Investment Associate
ORION is a growing venture investor across various sectors, and are continuing to expand its Taipei office by adding a high-caliber investment professional to the team.
The role will focus on researching, analyzing and executing the firm's investments across a variety of areas including TMT, Healthcare, AI, Media, and Retail etc.
You will have the opportunity to be part of a growing and successful team, to work on high-profile transactions across Greater China and U.S. This is an excellent opportunity for any individual looking to further their career within a highly successful emerging investment firm.
公司名稱 The name of the enterprise
- ORION Venture Partners
公司簡介 Brief introduction
- ORION is a growing venture investor across various sectors, and are continuing to expand its Taipei office by adding a high-caliber investment professional to the team.
公司網站 The website of the enterprise
職缺名稱 Job title
- Investment Associate
工作內容 Job Description
- Participate in evaluation of new investment opportunities through a series of activities including technology assessment, business analysis and company due diligence.
- Conduct market intelligence and analysis targeting a diverse portfolio of industries.
- Assist in coordination execution investment deal structuring and closure logistics covering legal, financial modeling and administrative processes.
薪資待遇 Work Payment
- negotiable
工作性質 Job type
- researching, analyzing and executing the firm's investments
工作地點 Location
- Taipei office
上班時段 Working hours
- 9am to 6pm
需求人數 the number of vacancy
- 1
條件需求 Requirement
工作經歷 Working experience
- Minimum 2 years of working experience.
學歷要求 Academic requirement
- University degree with solid academic record.
語文條件 Language
- Fluent verbal and written communication skills in Chinese and English.
工作技能 Specialties
- Superior strategic and analytic skills and entrepreneurial mindset.
其他條件 Other requirement
- Ideally with a focus on finance, accounting, or related tech/engineering background.
- Working experience in accounting, tech / internet, or entrepreneurship.
- Candidate with banking MA experience will be considered first.
聯絡方式 Contact
- Please send your CV and a brief cover letter to Ariel Chuang, at info@orion-vc.com if you are interested in being considered for the role.
一、為保障職業災害勞工權益,辦理職業災害勞工個案管理業務,本局公開甄選職業災害勞工個案管理員 1 名,其進用資格依照勞動部職業災害勞工個案主動管理服務計畫規定,應具備汽、機車駕駛執照及電腦文書處理能力,並符合以下條件之一:
(三)除需符前 2 項其中之 1 所列資格外,不得有公務人員任用法第 28 條所定各項事由,如經本局發現得撤銷其錄取資格;如係大陸地區人民來臺定居者,依臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例第 21 條規定,設籍須滿 10 年(已報名收件日截止日回推),始得錄用。
(四)本職缺主要工作內容包含職災勞工權益維護、轉介職業傷病鑑定及勞資調解、職災慰問與家庭功能維護以及重職場協助,每月薪資為新臺幣 3 萬 6,911 元。有意應徵者請於招募期間內備妥相關資料送本局職業重建科報名。最新或異動資訊可參本局官網最新公告(網址:https://labor.kcg.gov.tw/)。