藝珂集團【CEO for One Month 2022|報名開放中🚀】


全球最大的國際人力資源服務公司 - 藝珂集團,在暌違一年後重新在台灣展開 《CEO for One Month 2022》 高階實習計畫。你將和身在台灣各地的頂尖人才,共同角逐與藝珂集團台灣暨南韓區總經理Cindy Chen學習成為CEO。​

並代表台灣挑戰來自世界各地的CEO接班人,同台競爭前往歐洲總部實習的機會。在總部,將由《財富》世界500大企業-藝珂集團CEO Alain Dehaze直接帶領實習,領導超過30,000名員工。​





Do you aspire to be in a leadership role? What if you could apply for the opportunity to lead over 30,000 employees for a month? The Adecco Group CEO for One Month program offers insight into what it takes to run a multinational company.​

Becoming a leader requires dedication, a growth mindset, and the willingness to step out of your comfort zone. Apply now and boost your career as CEO for one Month 2022 at The Adecco Group.​

Apply Now: https://bit.ly/ceoforonemonth2022​

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