Check-in Taiwan - Cultural Exploration Group [English Speaking Group]
Date: May 2, 9, 16, 23 (Tuesdays)
Time: 6:30 to 8:00pm
Place: Group Room at NCCU Physical and Mental Health Center
Members: 6 NCCU students
Facilitator: Hsin-Wei (Winnie) Shen
Studying abroad might be exciting and challenging. As you have started this unique adventure, what else would you allow yourself to explore here? Taiwanese local culture or the foreign cultures those have flown into Taiwan?
This group is designed for us to have a safe and warm place for cultural exploration as well as to find the supports and connections along your studying in NCCU. In the 4 group sessions, we will discuss the similarities and differences between cultures in different aspects of life.
Welcome to Join Us!!!
Sign-up & Details:
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: 4-day workshop
“Wherever you go, there you are.” ― Jon Kabat-Zinn
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a non-judgmental, sustained attention to our immediate experience. It means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment.
"When we become more aware of the present moment, we begin to experience afresh things that we have been taking for granted."
During this 4-week workshop, participants will... * Learn how to beat stress * Better cope with anxiety * Enhance your sense of well-being * Explore, experience & practice mindfulness techniques in a small group setting.
When: Tuesday evenings 18:30-20:00 (3/7. 3/14. 3/21. 3/28. 2017)
Where: 2F, NCCU Physical and mental health center
Who: NCCU students only (6-8 people)
For more information, please contact: Jeffrey Kuo , ( 02-8237-7440