111學年度第一次學生國際性實習活動獎助學金開放申請 (2023 Fall Semester Applications for International Internship Subsidy are now open)
依據「國立政治大學國際性實習活動獎助學金作業要點」 辦理(如附件)。
二、 收件日期:即日起至112年5月31日(三)
三、 申請資格:
- 實體實習:實習期間應連續至少三十天以上(含假日,但不含首日與最後一日之往返日,每個工作日應為八小時)。
- 遠距實習:實習期間應連續至少三十天以上(含假日),累計實習時數至少達六十小時。
四、 申請方式:
- 繳交個人申請表單(附件一),須經系所(學程)及院辦公室核章後提出。
- 繳交實習計畫書。
- 繳交海外實習機構同意實習等相關證明文件(格式不拘,需有實習單位核章並可清楚看出實習職務、起訖年月日及實習時數)。
- 繳交團體申請表(附件二),須經系所(學程)及院辦公室核章後提出。
- 繳交實習計畫書。
- 繳交海外實習機構同意實習等相關證明文件(格式不拘,需有實習單位核章並可清楚看出實習職務、起訖年月日及實習時數)。
五、 遴選方式:由職涯中心召集課外活動組、生活事務暨僑生輔導組、國合處與校內師長代表組成委員會,經審查通過後公告獎助名單。
六、 本獎助學金金額由審查委員會決定之,家境清寒者得從優補助。每人學士班、碩士班及博士班之各教育階段,最多以補助二次為限。
七、 本獎助學金採取事後補助原則,獲補助之同學須配合參加成果分享發表,並於實習結束後一個月內,檢附下列資料進行結報:
- 實體實習:
(2)實習心得報告2000字以上含四張以上照片(附件四) 。
請將以上電子檔email 至職涯中心司徒小姐信箱 ,並於標題中註明:國際性實習活動獎助學金_實習週記_X學院_X系所_姓名、實習心得報告_X學院_X系所_姓名)
- 遠距實習:
請將以上電子檔email 至職涯中心司徒小姐信箱 ,並於標題中註明:國際性實習活動獎助學金_實習週記_X學院_X系所_姓名、實習心得報告_X學院_X系所_姓名)
* 逾期結報、未繳交資料、或經查實際實習內容與計畫不符者,職涯中心將取消其補助資格並追回已領取之獎助金。
八、 獲補助之學生須將海外實習相關之文件及成果報告等資料,無償授權給職涯中心作為業務推動之用。
2023 Fall Semester Applications for International Internship Subsidy are now open
Applications will be handled according to the “National Chengchi University - Guidelines for Awarding Grants to Students Participating in International Internship Programs” (see attachment).
II. Application period is open from now until May 31, Wednesday, 2023
III. Application qualifications:
- Current NCCU students who have qualified for internships in overseas institutions (including mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao).
- Internships in principle require the applicant to be physically present at the host institution overseas. However, if the applicant is unable to attend in person due to factors such as epidemics or natural disasters, accommodations can be made for remote participation in Taiwan.
- Internship period:
(1) Physical internship:
The internship period should last at least 30 consecutive days (including holidays, excluding the first and last travel days, with each working day lasting eight hours).
(2) Remote internship:
The internship period should last at least 30 consecutive days (including holidays), with a total of at least 60 hours of internship work)
IV. Method of application:
1. Individual application:
(1) Submit the Individual Application form (appendix 1), which must be approved by the relevant academic department (study program) and college.
(2) Submit internship proposal.
(3) Submit relevant certifications and documents, such as internship approval issued by the overseas host institution (regardless of submission format, the host institution must be approved and the approval must specify the internship position, start and end date, and number of internship working hours).
Please print and submit all hard-copy documents to Ms. Szu Tu, Career Development Center, Office of Student Affairs, on third floor of the Administration Building.
2. Group applications: For three or more students from the same college and department (study program):
(1) Submit the Group Application (appendix 2), which must be approved by the relevant academic department (study program) and college.
(2) Submit internship proposal.
(3) Submit relevant certifications and documents, such as internship approval issued by the overseas host institution (regardless of submission format, the host institution must be approved and the approval must specify the internship position, start and end date, and number of internship working hours).
Please print and submit all hard-copy documents to Ms. Szu Tu, Career Development Center, Office of Student Affairs, on the third floor of the Administration Building.
V. Selection method: The Career Development Center will convene a committee composed which includes the director of the Student Activity Section, Life Guidance and Overseas Chinese Student Advisory Section, and a representative of the Office of International Cooperation, along with one or two NCCU faculty members. The list of awarded applicants should be announced when approved by the committee.
VI. Scholarship amounts will be determined by the review committee, with students from disadvantaged families receiving priority. Students are limited to receiving a total of two scholarships for the duration of each degree program. Group applicants who receive subsidies (recognized as university matching grants) will be classified as having applied for overseas internship subsidies from off-campus units.
VII. Subsidies are provided on a reimbursement basis. Within one month of the internship end dates, students who qualify for subsidies must cooperate in sharing their overseas internship experiences, submitted with the following materials:
1. Physical internship:
(1) Weekly internship diary (appendix 3).
(2) A report summarizing the internship experience exceeding 2000 words and accompanied by at least 4 photographs (appendix 4).
Please email these electronic format documents to Ms. Szu Tu at with the header “International Internship Subsidy_Weekly Internship Diary: College of __, Department of __, Student Name / International Internship Subsidy_Internship Report: College of __, Department of __ , Student Name.
(3) Internship Certificate provided by the overseas host institution (regardless of submission format, the host institution must be approved and must specify the internship position, start and end date, and number of internship working hours).
(4) Receipt of Air Ticket Purchase.
(5) Round-trip e-ticket between Taiwan and the host country.
(6) Round-trip boarding passes.
(7) Additional receipts/documents: such as applications for passengers traveling abroad for official purposes on foreign airlines, visa, and accommodation payment receipts, etc.
2. Remote Internship:
(1) Weekly internship diary (appendix 5).
(2) Internship Certificate provided by the overseas host institution (regardless of submission format, the host institution must be approved and must specify the internship position, start and end date, and number of internship working hours).
(3) A report summarizing the internship experience exceeding 2,000 words with at least 4 photographs (e.g., screenshots of video conferences, instant message logs, work-related emails, etc.).
Please e-mail these documents to Ms. Szu Tu at with the header “International Internship Subsidy_Weekly Internship Diary: College of __, Department of __, Student Name / International Internship Subsidy_Internship Report: College of __, Department of __, Student Name.
(4) In addition to the internship certificate, remote internship students should refer to the NCCU travel expense guidelines and submit receipts for various expenses.
The Career Development Center will cancel the subsidy and recover any funds already disbursed: if the applications are submitted past the deadline, the application materials are incomplete, or the actual internship content does not match the submitted internship plan.
VIII. Students who receive subsidies should authorize the Career Development Center to use their overseas internship experiences and reports for promotion.