体适能社团-Fitness Club
编号 |
学生团体中/英文名称 |
社团简介 |
F002 |
太极社 NCCU Taichi |
不管是对太极有迷思、憧憬,或是有偏见、误解的人,都欢迎来太极社体验看看。 Anyone with myths, admiration, prejudices, or misunderstandings about Tai Chi is welcome to come and experience it at the Tai Chi Club. |
F003 |
柔道俱乐部 |
柔道锻炼身心并重,从攻防锻炼身体心智,每周两次训练培养课余运动习惯。 不管是否有柔道基础!只要有兴趣,都欢迎你加入! Judo emphasizes physical and mental growth. We train twice a week to cultivate exercise habits. Regardless of prior experience, anyone interested in judo is welcome to join! |
F004 |
跆拳道俱乐部 |
政大跆拳道社的练习,是足技与品势两者并重,除了教导足技及对打的技巧之外,也相当注重品势的训练。 Our club emphasizes kicking techniques and Poomsae. In addition to teaching kicking and sparring skills, we also emphasize Poomsae training. |
F005 |
合气道俱乐部 |
想学武术又怕自己力气太小?想学体术又想学剑术?来合气道社让你两个都能学! Do you want to learn martial arts but are worried you're not strong enough? Are you interested in learning both body techniques and swordsmanship? Join us, and you can learn both! |
F006 |
剑道俱乐部 |
剑道是日本的一项传统武术,在练习的过程中不仅能端正仪态,更能训练专注力。剑道并不会受制于你的身材、性别、年龄等因素。所以,加入我们一起快乐练剑吧! Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art that improves posture during practice and trains concentration. It won't be constrained by your figure, gender, age, or other factors. Therefore, join us and enjoy practicing swordsmanship together! |
F007 |
Ballroom Dance Club |
不用担心没学过舞蹈,这里绝大多数的社员都是从零开始。加入我们,你也能在舞台上翩翩起舞喔! Don't worry if you've never learned how to dance. Most of our members started from scratch. Join us, and you can dance well on the stage! |
F008 |
Pop Dance Club |
政大热舞社为校内曝光率最高且参与人数最多的社团之一。透过各大比赛及表演累积了许多知名度。加入热舞社能为热爱表演的你提供一个发光发热的舞台。 We are one of the most highly exposed and popular clubs on campus. We have accumulated a lot of reputation through participating in various competitions and performances. We provide a stage for those who love to perform. |
F010 |
Cheerleading Club |
本社创社宗旨为致力于啦啦队运动──包含舞蹈、特殊技巧、翻腾、跳跃与口号。不管有没有经验,都欢迎参加! Our club's founding purpose is to promote cheerleading, including dancing, special skills, tumbling, jumping, and slogans. Regardless of experience, everyone is welcome to join! |
F014 |
网球俱乐部 |
欢迎加入网球社,社课进行方式分为初级班跟中级班,初级班从基本动作开始教,不用担心自己毫无基础,另外,我们走一种轻松的风格,希望大家可以enjoy在网球中。 Welcome to join the Tennis Club! Our courses are divided into beginner and intermediate levels. The beginner level starts with the basics, so there's no need to worry if you have no experience. Hope everyone can enjoy playing tennis! |
F019 |
瑜珈社除了适合初学者,对于有经验的学员,也是稳固平时练习的好机会,持续练习可以增加身体的柔软度,欢迎来加入我们! Our club is suitable for both beginners and those with experience. Continuous practice can increase body flexibility. Come and join us! |
F024 |
Kyudo Club |
In addition to learning the Japanese martial art of archery, you can also gain a better understanding of Japanese culture, self-cultivation, and correct your posture! |
F030 |
Ballet Club |
校内校外,本国籍生都欢迎! 无论是否有学过芭蕾,都可以一起来跳舞唷! Whether you are an NCCU student or not, whether you have learned ballet before, everyone can come and dance with us! |
F031 |
Tap Dance Club |
美式踢踏以身体和脚步的协调为特色,政踢人以开放自由为舞蹈的精神。 Tap dance is characterized by the coordination of body and footwork, and we see openness and freedom as the spirit of this dance. |
F033 |
Breaking Club |
街舞地板社社团成立宗旨为透过地板街舞达到适当运动效果,并发扬地板街舞文化,与国内、国际间进行街舞文化交流。 Our club aims to achieve the benefits of exercise through breaking and to promote breaking culture both domestically and internationally. |
F036 |
NCCU Boxing Club |
欢迎各位有兴趣的同学加入我们社团,不管你是基础扎实的老手还是从未接触过的新手,不管你只是想找个地方运动还是希望能专精于拳击,都可以加入我们。 Whether you have a solid foundation or are a beginner, whether you are looking for a place to exercise or hope to specialize in boxing, you are welcome to join us. |
F037 |
高尔夫洞悉人性,训练冷静思考、耐心、沉着的心态,从中自我挑战,自求突破。 Golf can train people to think calmly, patiently, and with composure. Through golf, we can challenge ourselves and push the boundaries of what we can achieve. |
F040 |
恩库 International Yoga Club |
我们的瑜珈适合不同类型的人,就算是新手也不用担心。社课气氛很开放,不用担心迟到,十分欢迎也喜欢瑜珈的你加入! Our club suits different types of people; therefore, if you are a beginner, there is no need to worry. The atmosphere in our club is very open. If you also love yoga, join us! |
F041 |
Nccu Fire Dance |
火舞是结合肢体、节奏以及火舞道具展现出与火互动的表演,在本社团可以学到火舞道具的操弄、体能技巧、编舞技巧与特殊技巧。 Fire dancing is a performance that combines movement, rhythm, and fire dancing props. In our club, you can learn how to use fire dancing props, develop physical skills, master choreography, and acquire special techniques! |
F045 |
不定期举办约骑,社团有提供单车租借,无论有无经验都欢迎加入! We offer bicycle rentals and organize group rides Whether you have experience or not, everyone is welcome to join! |
F047 |
潜水俱乐部 |
除了学习潜水,我们也透过净滩、减塑来推广海洋保育。欢迎大家加入! In addition to learning to scuba diving, we also promote marine conservation through beach cleanups and reducing plastic use. |
F049 | NCCU K-POP Dance Club | 我们社团主要是学习和练习K-Pop舞蹈动作和编排,如果你对韩国舞蹈充满热情,想要身临其境地体验K-Pop的魅力,那就不要犹豫,加入我们!
Our club primarily focuses on learning and practicing K-pop dance moves and choreographies. If you are passionate about Korean dance and want to immerse yourself in K-pop, don't hesitate to join us! |
F050 |
NCCU Hiking & Climbing Team |
爱山的政大学生,一同深入自然,寻找自我的地方! We are a group of students who love mountains. Join us in exploring nature and discovering ourselves together! |
F051 |
我们希望提供一个给各系队发挥的比赛平台,开发专属联盟球员投打数据库、每场赛事战报、拍摄球员英姿,让有着棒球梦的系队成员拥有完整过瘾的联赛体验! We aim to provide a platform for teams from all departments to showcase their talents, develop a database for league players' batting and pitching stats, offer game reports, and capture players' best moments. |
F052 |
负责政大五人制足球联赛、培元杯、新生杯的主办单位 We are responsible for the NCCU 5-a-side football league, Pei Yuan Cup, and Freshmen Cup. |
F053 |
NCCU Muaythai Club |
泰拳和大家熟悉的拳击不同的是,泰拳使用四肢进行攻击,包含拳,腿,手肘和膝盖,喜欢泰拳的快来加入我们吧! Unlike conventional boxing, Muay Thai uses all four limbs to attack, including fists, legs, elbows, and knees. If you're interested in Muay Thai, join us! |
F054 |
NCCU Lacrosse Club |
只要对袋棍球兴趣或热忱的人,不限性别、不限球龄,没经验的都欢迎来参加喔! Anyone interested in lacrosse, regardless of gender, playing experience, or skill level, is very welcome to join! |
F055 |
自由潜水公司名称 Free diving club |
我们是一群因为喜欢海洋而接触自潜,也因为自潜而更喜欢自己的伙伴,希望能够让更多人参与、认识和享受自由潜水!也让大家不会再找不到潜伴、变成孤儿! We are a group of students drawn to diving because of our love for the ocean. Our passion for diving has brought us even closer to our partners. We hope to encourage more people to participate in, discover, and enjoy the freedom of diving! |
F056 |
保龄球研究社是一个充满热情、活力、致力于推广保龄球运动、促进技术交流与人际互动的社团。无论你是初学者还是有丰富经验的老手,我们都欢迎你的加入,一同享受保龄球的乐趣,并共同成长! The bowling club is full of passion and energy. We are dedicated to promoting bowling, facilitating technical exchanges, and enhancing interpersonal interactions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, we welcome you to join us to enjoy the fun of bowling and grow together! |