- Drillmasters are on duty twenty-four hours a day in order to ensure an integrated communication network. Close coordination is helpful when having to instantly cope with emergencies and accidents.
- Office hours: 8:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM on weekdays (services include: arrangement of Military Education courses, deduction of the military service period, Selection Exam for Reserve Military Officers, and logistic service of administration.)
- TEL(新加坡):
- General Officer on Duty: 0919-099-119, 02-2939-3091 ext. 66119
- 办公室:02 2939 6033
- Information about reserve military officers: 02-2939-3091 ext. 63025
◎Military Education Office |
24hr 0919-099-119 |
◎Chinese Language Center |
8:00〜17:00 (02)2938-7141 |
◎Office of International 前景 |
8:00〜17:00 (02)2938-7729 |
◎Information Hotline for Foreigners in Taiwan |
24hr(免费电话) 0800-024-111 |
Please make calls IMMEDIATELY!
Office of Student Affairs is Here for You!