提醒住宿同學做好預防颱風豪雨之準備 Advice for dorm students about precautions against typhoon

1. 颱風豪雨期間,非必要請勿外出,適當關閉寢室對外窗戶,以防豪雨潑灑入內。
During the typhoon period, please refrain from going outside. Keep room’s windows closed to prevent heavy rainfall from coming inside the room.

2. 請注意於宿舍內之用水、用電安全。颱風期間避免使用電梯,以免停電時受困。
Please pay attention to the safety about using water and electricity. To avoid using elevator during typhoon period to prevent getting stuck when power outage.

3. 備妥個人藥物及食物,並隨時留意中央氣象局與地方政府之災害應變中心資訊。
Prepare personal medicine and food and pay attention to information about Central Weather Bureau, and Central Emergency Operation Center at local level.

4. 宿舍或寢室內若遇任何突發狀況,請冷靜應對、確保自身安全,並依宿舍所附緊急通訊表,通知宿舍執勤人員及校安中心進行後續處置。
If you encounter any emergency, please stay calm to ensure personal safety and notify the dorm staff according to the emergency contact list issued by dorm.

5. 如有辦理暑期營隊人員,請避免戶外活動,以策安全. For the staff in charge of summer camp, please avoide outside activities for safety reasons.

Take the typhoon-prevention measures would safeguard your safety of life and property.


Student Housing Section
